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A physically based method of combining ADCP velocity data with point samples to compute suspended-sand discharge -- Application to the Rhone River, France

August 26, 2019

Measuring suspended-sand flux in rivers is a challenge since sand concentrations are highly variable in time and space throughout a river cross section. Most of the present methodologies rely on point or depth-integrated sampling (Nolan et al., 2005, Topping et al., 2016). The standard method estimates mean concentration and multiply it by discharge to compute the suspended-sand discharge. Here, we demonstrate methods of combining point suspended-sediment samples with ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) high-resolution depth and velocity measurements to improve vertical and lateral integration of concentration and flux. A preliminary version of this method is applied to data collected in the Rhône River in Lyon, France, during a 10-year flood in January 2018. Two options for vertically integrating the measured suspended-sediment concentrations were tested whereas lateral integration was based on nearest-neighbor interpolation only, as a baseline option. Sand flux results are similar, thus suggesting that vertical integration options may be less critical than lateral integration options that will be implemented and tested in future work.

Publication Year 2019
Title A physically based method of combining ADCP velocity data with point samples to compute suspended-sand discharge -- Application to the Rhone River, France
Authors Guillaume Dramais, Benoit Camenen, Jerome Le Coz, David Topping, Christophe Peteuil, Gilles Pierrefeu
Publication Type Conference Paper
Publication Subtype Conference Paper
Index ID 70212591
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Southwest Biological Science Center
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