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A review of lignite resources of western Tennessee and the Jackson Purchase area, western Kentucky

January 1, 2011

This review of the lignite deposits of western Tennessee and the Jackson Purchase area in western Kentucky (Figure 1) is an updated report on part of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Coal Resource Assessment of the Gulf Coastal Plain Coal Province (see Ruppert et al., 2002; Hackley et al., 2006; Dennen, 2009; and other chapters of this publication). Lignite deposits of western Kentucky and Tennessee are an extension of the Gulf Coastal Plain Coal Province (Cushing et al., 1964), and currently are not economic to mine. These deposits have not been extensively investigated or developed as an energy resource. This review includes a description of the geology of the lignite-bearing units, a discussion of the available coal quality data, and information on organic petrology. Palynological data for lignite samples collected in Kentucky and Tennessee as part of this work are presented in Table 1. Lignite trace element data originally presented in Hackley et al. (2006) are not included in this report due to potential laboratory quality control issues during the time the samples were analyzed (U.S. Geological Survey Energy Resources Program, 2010).

Publication Year 2011
Title A review of lignite resources of western Tennessee and the Jackson Purchase area, western Kentucky
Authors Paul C. Hackley, Peter D. Warwick, Roger E. Thomas, Douglas J. Nichols
Publication Type Book Chapter
Publication Subtype Book Chapter
Series Title AAPG Studies in Geology
Index ID 70176226
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Eastern Energy Resources Science Center
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