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Aeolian bedforms, yardangs, and indurated surfaces in the Tharsis Montes as seen by the HiRISE Camera: Evidence for dust aggregates

January 1, 2010

HiRISE images of Mars with ground sampling down to 25 cm/pixel show that the dust-rich mantle covering the surfaces of the Tharsis Montes is organized into ridges whose form and distribution are consistent with formation by aeolian saltation. Other dusty areas near the volcanoes and elsewhere on the planet exhibit a similar morphology. The material composing these "reticulate" bedforms is constrained by their remote sensing properties and the threshold curve combined with the saltation/suspension boundary, both of which vary as a function of elevation (atmospheric pressure), particle size, and particle composition. Considering all of these factors, dust aggregates are the most likely material composing these bedforms. We propose that airfall dust on and near the volcanoes aggregates in situ over time, maybe due to electrostatic charging followed by cementation by salts. The aggregates eventually reach a particle size at which saltation is possible. Aggregates on the flanks are transported downslope by katabatic winds and form linear and "accordion" morphologies. Materials within the calderas and other depressions remain trapped and are subjected to multidirectional winds, forming an interlinked "honeycomb" texture. In many places on and near the volcanoes, light-toned, low thermal inertia yardangs and indurated surfaces are present. These may represent "duststone" formed when aggregates reach a particle size below the threshold curve, such that they become stabilized and subsequently undergo cementation.

Publication Year 2010
Title Aeolian bedforms, yardangs, and indurated surfaces in the Tharsis Montes as seen by the HiRISE Camera: Evidence for dust aggregates
DOI 10.1016/j.icarus.2009.05.017
Authors Nathan T. Bridges, Maria E. Banks, Ross A. Beyer, Frank C. Chuang, Eldar Z. Noe Dobrea, Kenneth E. Herkenhoff, Laszlo P. Keszthelyi, K.E. Fishbaugh, Alfred S. McEwen, Timothy I. Michaels, B.J. Thomson, James J. Wray
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Icarus
Index ID 70034089
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Astrogeology Science Center
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