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Evaluating fault rupture hazard for strike-slip earthquakes

January 1, 2004
We present fault displacement data, regressions, and a methodology to calculate in both a probabilistic and deterministic framework the fault rupture hazard for strike-slip faults. To assess this hazard we consider: (1) the size of the earthquake and probability that it will rupture to the surface, (2) the rate of all potential earthquakes on the fault (3) the distance of the site along and from the mapped fault, (4) the complexity of the fault and quality of the fault mapping, (5) the size of the structure that will be placed at the site, and (6) the potential and size of displacements along or near the fault. Probabilistic fault rupture hazard analysis should be an important consideration in design of structures or lifelines that are located within about 50m of well-mapped active faults.
Publication Year 2004
Title Evaluating fault rupture hazard for strike-slip earthquakes
DOI 10.1061/40744(154)66
Authors Mark D. Petersen, Tianqing Cao, Tim Dawson, Arthur D. Frankel, Chris Wills, David P. Schwartz
Publication Type Conference Paper
Publication Subtype Conference Paper
Index ID 70026333
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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