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Hydrodynamic field study of a shallow estuarine subembayment, Sherman Lake, California

January 1, 2002
Sherman Lake, California, has two hydrodynamically distinct regions: a tidally forced jet located along the eastern flank that creates an important hydraulic connection between the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, and a relatively quiescent area in the west. The forcing mechanisms driving circulation and transport are spatially variable in Sherman Lake, a characteristic, we are finding, that is typical of shallow-water environments in the San Francisco Bay and Delta. As interest in restoring and creating tidal wetlands and other shallow-water environments in the Delta increases (CALFED, 2001), serious consideration of the heterogeneity of the physical environment must be taken when developing restoration objectives and monitoring programs.
Publication Year 2002
Title Hydrodynamic field study of a shallow estuarine subembayment, Sherman Lake, California
Authors C.A. Ruhl, J.R. Burau, R.N. Oltmann
Publication Type Conference Paper
Publication Subtype Conference Paper
Index ID 70024278
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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