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Living with wildfire in the Squilchuck Drainage - Chelan County, Washington: 2020 data report

September 1, 2020
Research on the social dimensions of wildfire provides opportunities to understand how communities and the people who reside in those communities interact with the threat of wildfire. Overall, three findings from this project were particularly noteworthy. First, household survey results indicate that residents in the Squilchuck Drainage, Chelan County, Washington have high expectations of response services in the event of a wildfire. Second, the survey data indicated Chelan County Fire District 1 (CCFD1) was the most frequently reported source of wildfire risk information and was characterized as a source of useful information. Finally, the project in the Squilchuck Drainage was an opportunity to examine how heterogeneous communities inhabit a contiguous biophysical location. Reported findings highlight the fact that even in relatively small geographic spaces, the social variation could have important implications for how a wildfire mitigation program attends to the varying social conditions within the communities that they serve.
Publication Year 2020
Title Living with wildfire in the Squilchuck Drainage - Chelan County, Washington: 2020 data report
Authors Hannah Brenkert-Smith, Patricia A. Champ, Jon Riley, Christopher M. Barth, Colleen Donovan, James Meldrum, Carolyn Wagner
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype Federal Government Series
Series Title Data Report
Series Number RMRS-RN-87
Index ID 70213175
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Fort Collins Science Center
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