This volume is the proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes (ISBMCF). As in all six preceding symposia, the seventh meeting of the ISBMCF provided an international forum for the scientific review and discussion of the various taxonomic, biological, ecological, and management issues that surround this important group of Holarctic fishes. The collection of presentations for this conference was addressed in the following convened sessions: Genetics, Stocking, Fisheries, and Biology, as well as special sessions on Lake Baikal, Russia and Lake Femund, Norway. The conference comprised 53 oral and 58 poster presentations by scientists from Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Germany, Finland, Norway, Poland, Russia, and the United States. In total, there were 162 participants, including an unprecedented 18 scientists from Russia as the result of additional, concerted support.