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Serving ocean model data on the cloud

January 1, 2010

The NOAA-led Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) and the NSF-funded Ocean Observatories Initiative Cyberinfrastructure Project (OOI-CI) are collaborating on a prototype data delivery system for numerical model output and other gridded data using cloud computing. The strategy is to take an existing distributed system for delivering gridded data and redeploy on the cloud, making modifications to the system that allow it to harness the scalability of the cloud as well as adding functionality that the scalability affords.

Publication Year 2010
Title Serving ocean model data on the cloud
DOI 10.23919/OCEANS.2009.5422331
Authors Michael Meisinger, Claudiu Farcas, Emilia Farcas, Charles Alexander, Matthew Arrott, Jeff de La Beaujardiere, Paul Hubbard, Roy Mendelssohn, Richard P. Signell
Publication Type Conference Paper
Publication Subtype Conference Paper
Series Title Oceans Conference Record
Index ID 70190362
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center
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