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An update of hydrologic conditions and distribution of selected constituents in water, eastern Snake River aquifer and perched groundwater zones, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho, emphasis 2019–21

February 6, 2024

Since 1952, wastewater discharged to infiltration ponds (also called “percolation ponds”) and disposal wells at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has affected water quality in the eastern Snake River Plain (ESRP) aquifer and perched groundwater zones underlying the INL. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), maintains groundwater-monitoring networks at the INL to determine hydrologic trends and to delineate the movement of radiochemical and chemical wastes in both the aquifer and perched groundwater zones. This report presents an analysis of water-level and water-quality data collected from the ESRP aquifer and perched groundwater wells from the USGS groundwater monitoring networks during 2019–21.

From March–May 2018 to March–May 2021, water levels in wells completed in the ESRP aquifer increased in the northern part of the INL and decreased in the southwestern part. Water-level increases ranged from 0.02 to 1.04 feet in the northern part and decreases ranged from 0.03 to 2.94 feet in the southwestern part of the INL.

Detectable concentrations of radiochemical constituents in water samples from wells in the ESRP aquifer at the INL generally decreased or remained constant during 2019–21. Decreases in concentrations were attributed to radioactive decay, changes in waste-disposal methods, and dilution from recharge and underflow.

In 2021, tritium was detected above reporting levels in water samples collected from 46 of 105 aquifer wells and ranged from 150±50 to 4,280±150 picocuries per liter (pCi/L). Tritium concentrations from eight wells completed in deep perched groundwater near the Advanced Test Reactor Complex (ATRC) generally were greater than or equal to the reporting level during at least one sampling event during 2019–21, and concentrations ranged from 160±50 to 2,097±107 pCi/L. Concentrations of strontium-90 in water from 12 of 45 aquifer wells sampled in 2021 exceeded the reporting level, and concentrations ranged from 2.5±0.7 to 299±6 pCi/L. During 2021, concentrations of strontium-90 from five wells completed in deep perched groundwater at the ATRC equaled or exceeded the reporting levels, and concentrations ranged from 3±0.9 pCi/L to 27.8±1.3 pCi/L. Concentrations of cesium-137 were less than the reporting level in all but one aquifer well, and concentrations of plutonium-238, plutonium-239, -240 (undivided), and americium-241 were less than the reporting level in water samples from all aquifer wells sampled during this study period.

Dissolved chromium concentrations in water samples from 64 ESRP aquifer wells ranged from less than (<) 0.5 to 76.4 micrograms per liter (μg/L). During 2019–21, dissolved chromium was detected in water from wells completed in deep perched groundwater above the ESRP aquifer at the ATRC, and concentrations ranged from <1 to 82.1 μg/L.

In 2021, concentrations of dissolved sodium in water from most ESRP aquifer wells in the southern part of the INL were greater than the western tributary groundwater background concentration of 8.3 milligrams per liter (mg/L). During 2021, dissolved sodium concentrations in water from 15 wells completed in deep perched groundwater ranged from 11.7 to 122.5 mg/L. Variations in sodium concentrations in aquifer wells and perched groundwater zones are attributed to either migration of remnant water from the former chemical-waste ponds or disposal volume and composition variability in percolation ponds installed in 2008.

In 2021, concentrations of chloride in most water samples from ESRP aquifer wells south of the Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center (INTEC) and at the Central Facilities Area (CFA) exceeded background concentrations. Chloride concentrations in water from wells south of the INTEC have generally decreased because of discontinued chloride disposal to the legacy percolation ponds since 2002 when the discharge of wastewater was discontinued. During 2019–21, dissolved chloride concentrations in deep perched groundwater above the ESRP aquifer from 18 wells at the ATRC ranged from 8.15 to 231 mg/L.

In 2021, sulfate concentrations in water samples from ESRP aquifer wells in the south-central part of the INL that exceeded the background concentration of sulfate, ranged from 21 to 141 mg/L. The greater-than-background concentrations in water from these wells are attributed to sulfate disposal at the ATRC infiltration ponds or the legacy INTEC percolation ponds. In 2021, sulfate concentrations in water samples from aquifer wells near the Radioactive Waste Management Complex (RWMC) were mostly greater than background concentrations. The maximum dissolved sulfate concentration in shallow perched groundwater near the ATRC was 575 mg/L in 2021. During 2021, dissolved sulfate concentrations in water from wells completed in deep perched groundwater near the cold waste ponds at the ATRC ranged from 22.3 to 519 mg/L.

In 2021, concentrations of nitrate in water from most ESRP aquifer wells at and near the INTEC exceeded the western tributary groundwater background concentration of 0.655 mg/L. Concentrations of nitrate in aquifer wells southwest of INTEC and farther away from the influence of disposal areas and the Big Lost River, in intermittent source of surface water recharge to the aquifer, show a general decrease in nitrate concentration over time. Two aquifer wells south of INTEC show increasing trends that could result from wastewater beneath the INTEC tank farm being mobilized to the aquifer.

During 2019–21, water samples from several ESRP aquifer wells were collected and analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Twelve VOCs were detected, and 1–4 VOCs were detected in water samples from 10 wells. The most frequently detected VOCs include carbon tetrachloride (tetrachloromethane), trichloromethane, tetrachloroethene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, and trichloroethene. In 2019–21, concentrations for all VOCs were less than their respective maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for drinking water, except carbon tetrachloride in one well, trichloroethene in two wells, and vinyl chloride in one well.

During 2019–21, variability and bias were evaluated from 34 replicate and 14 blank quality-assurance samples. Results from replicate analyses were investigated to evaluate sample variability. Constituents with acceptable reproducibility were major ions, trace elements, nutrients, and VOCs. All radiochemical constituents including gross alpha- and beta- radioactivity, strontium-90, cesium-137, and tritium, had acceptable reproducibility. Bias from sample contamination was evaluated from equipment, field, and source-solution blanks. Chloride and sulfate were detected slightly above their respective method detection limits in equipment and field blanks, but at concentrations well below the co-collected sample for that well. These chloride and sulfate detections in the field and equipment blanks were inconsequential because they weren’t detected above the analysis-specific variability for those constituents as determined by replicate sample result evaluation. None of the detections of nutrients and trace inorganic constituents were high enough to indicate environmental sample or analytical procedure bias.

Publication Year 2024
Title An update of hydrologic conditions and distribution of selected constituents in water, eastern Snake River aquifer and perched groundwater zones, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho, emphasis 2019–21
DOI 10.3133/sir20235128
Authors Kerri C. Treinen, Allison R. Trcka, Jason C. Fisher
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Scientific Investigations Report
Series Number 2023-5128
Index ID sir20235128
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Idaho Water Science Center
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