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About the Public Lecture Series

The USGS Evening Public Lecture Series events are free and are intended for a general public audience that may not be familiar with the science being discussed. Our speakers are encouraged to thoroughly explain the subject matter being presented, and to define any words or terms that may be unfamiliar to those not having a background or familiarity with the material being presented.

The Western Region Evening Public Lecture Series was established in 1990 to provide USGS scientists with a forum for providing the public with current information about USGS research through a series of monthly talks featuring recent developments in the disciplines of biology, geography, geology, and water resources. 

Originally conceived to provide customers with an opportunity to interact live with USGS scientists while gaining information about "Earth Science in the Public Service", the Public Lecture Series continues to provide the original public service, while now providing remote live access through video streaming on the Internet, and on-demand access to archived talks following each lecture. 

Our ongoing goal continues to be providing customers with solid scientific information presented in a way that can be appreciated by those not necessarily having a background in the sciences, and to create a better understanding of the importance and value of "Science for a Changing World". 

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