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Geography Education

Check out the below lessons, activities, and resources on geography education!

Classroom Lesson Plans

Elementary School

Elementary School

Middle-High School

Middle-High School

Geography Activities

Spot the Change Quiz

Spot the Change Quiz

Test Your Memory Game

Test Your Memory Game

Satellite Puzzles

Satellite Puzzles

Take-out Lid 3D Topographic Map Model

Take-out Lid 3D Topographic Map Model

Background Information for Teachers

What is a Topographic Map?

Provides information on topographic maps with links to several map resources.

Earth Observation Case Studies

Social scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Fort Collins Science Center – in collaboration with the USGS National Land Imaging Program – conduct Earth observation user case studies using qualitative research methods. This resource provides a series of videos that summarize these studies.

Drones for Science

Learn more about NUSO, the National Uncrewed Systems Office (NUSO), which was established to coordinate the integration of UAS data collection into the scientific, monitoring, and resource management functions of the Department of the Interior (DOI).\

3D Elevation Program

Provides information and resources on 3DEP. The goal of 3DEP is to complete acquisition of nationwide lidar (IfSAR in AK) to provide the first-ever national baseline of consistent high-resolution topographic elevation data.


EDMAP is a one-year, mentor-guided program designed to teach students geologic mapping techniques through rigorous field mapping. This resource provides information about EDMAP and its projects.

Highest and Lowest Elevations

A data table with information about elevation levels and their locations.


Visuals and Podcasts

Earth as Art

Earth as Art

Earth Now!

Earth Now!

Earthshots Image Gallery

Earthshots Image Gallery

NASA Camp Landsat

NASA Camp Landsat

Eyes on Earth Podcasts

Eyes on Earth Podcasts

Popular Maps

Download or Order Maps from the USGS Store

Download or Order Maps from the USGS Store

Tapestry of Time and Terrain

Tapestry of Time and Terrain

The National Map

The National Map

National Geologic Map Database

National Geologic Map Database

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