Full Equations (FEQ) Model Web Resources
FEQ is a computer model for simulation of one-dimensional unsteady flow in open channels and through control structures. The structure of the program is designed to follow the structure of a stream system and provide maximum generality and flexibility. FEQ can be applied to simulate a wide range of stream configurations including loops and lateral-inflow conditions. Special features such as culverts, weirs, and sluice gates are included in coordination with the Full Equations Utilities package (FEQUTL). Boundary conditions can be water-surface elevation, discharge, or the stage-discharge relation at a node. Wind-stress, rainfall, evaporation, and irrigation terms are supported. The effects of lateral inflows also can be simulated in FEQ when given local runoff intensity data.
For more information: Water Resources Surface Water Software: Full Equations (FEQ) Model Web Resources
FEQ is a computer model for simulation of one-dimensional unsteady flow in open channels and through control structures. The structure of the program is designed to follow the structure of a stream system and provide maximum generality and flexibility. FEQ can be applied to simulate a wide range of stream configurations including loops and lateral-inflow conditions. Special features such as culverts, weirs, and sluice gates are included in coordination with the Full Equations Utilities package (FEQUTL). Boundary conditions can be water-surface elevation, discharge, or the stage-discharge relation at a node. Wind-stress, rainfall, evaporation, and irrigation terms are supported. The effects of lateral inflows also can be simulated in FEQ when given local runoff intensity data.
For more information: Water Resources Surface Water Software: Full Equations (FEQ) Model Web Resources