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Building Search Queries

This page provides information on how to write query URLs to search and filter items in ScienceBase.

Basic Search Queries

Search USGS Data Releases in ScienceBase

Advanced Search Queries

Note: the instructions on this page focus on query URLs. The same query logic can be applied through programmatic workflows using the ScienceBase Python and R libraries. For helpful examples written in Python, see this Jupyter Notebook.


Basic Search Queries


All pages in ScienceBase have an item ID. The ID is the alphanumeric string at the end of a page's URL:

Search for items containing a word using the keyword q search:

To view the search results in JSON or CSV format, add "&format=json" or "&format=csv" to the URL:

The default number of search results returned in JSON or CSV format is 20. To return additional results, use the parameter "max". Note: the upper limit for this parameter is 1000.


Items in ScienceBase are organized into a hierarchy defined by the terms "parent" and "child" item. A folder in ScienceBase is considered the "parent" item and nested items are "child" items. For multiple levels in the item hierarchy, the terms "ancestors" and "descendants" are used.

Find the folder ID (itemID) at the end of the URL, for example:

Perform a filter search by adding the parameter "&filter=".

More than one filter can be added to a query URL.

Note: ScienceBase communities are folders and can be queried in the same way. 


Search USGS Data Releases in ScienceBase

USGS data releases are formally published products that meet all the criteria of USGS data policies and have been approved for dissemination. To limit search results to data release products, add "filter=systemType=Data Release" to any query URL. The following lists of queries demonstrate how to filter this collection by categories including USGS organizational groups and science topic keywords.

Note: writing query URLs is an advanced method. For a more user-friendly, interactive way to explore data release metrics, see the ScienceBase data release dashboard.

USGS mission area 

Example query URL:{name:Core Science Systems,type:USGS Mission Area} 

USGS Mission Area  View
Core Science Systems  View in ScienceBase 
Ecosystems  View in ScienceBase 
Energy and Minerals  View in ScienceBase 
Environmental Health  View in ScienceBase 
Land Resources  View in ScienceBase 
Natural Hazards  View in ScienceBase 
Water Resources  View in ScienceBase 


USGS science topic keyword 

Example query URL:{type:USGS Scientific Topic Keyword,name:Water Quality}

USGS Science Topic Keyword  View 
Aquatic Biology  View in ScienceBase 
Botany  View in ScienceBase 
Climatology  View in ScienceBase 
Ecology  View in ScienceBase 
Economic Geology  View in ScienceBase 
Energy Resources  View in ScienceBase 
Environmental Health  View in ScienceBase 
Forestry  View in ScienceBase 
Genetics  View in ScienceBase 
Geochemistry  View in ScienceBase 
Geography  View in ScienceBase 
Geomorphology  View in ScienceBase 
Geophysics  View in ScienceBase 
Glaciology  View in ScienceBase 
Hydrology  View in ScienceBase 
Information Sciences  View in ScienceBase 
Land Use Change  View in ScienceBase 
Limnology  View in ScienceBase 
Marine Geology  View in ScienceBase 
Mineral Resources  View in ScienceBase 
Planetary Sciences  View in ScienceBase 
Remote Sensing  View in ScienceBase 
Sedimentology  View in ScienceBase 
Seismology  View in ScienceBase 
Soil Sciences  View in ScienceBase 
Stratigraphy  View in ScienceBase 
Structural Geology  View in ScienceBase 
Volcanology  View in ScienceBase 
Water Quality  View in ScienceBase 
Water Resources  View in ScienceBase 
Wildlife Biology  View in ScienceBase 
Wildlife Disease  View in ScienceBase 


USGS cost center name 

Example query URLs:  

USGS Cost Center  View  Download 
Alaska Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Alaska Science Center Water  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Arizona Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Astrogeology Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
California Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Caribbean-Florida Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Central Energy Resources Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Central Midwest Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Climate Adaptation Science Centers  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Colorado Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Columbia Environmental Research Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Cooperative Research Units  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Core Research Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Dakota Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Earth System Processes Division  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Earthquake Hazards Program  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Earthquake Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Eastern Ecological Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Energy Resources Program  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Enterprise Technology Office  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Federal Geographic Data Committee  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Florence Bascom Geoscience Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Fort Collins Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Geographic Analysis and Monitoring Program  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Geologic Hazards Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Geology, Energy & Minerals Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Great Lakes Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Idaho Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Integrated Information Dissemination Division  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Integrated Modeling & Prediction Division  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
International Programs  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Kansas Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Laboratory & Analytical Services Division  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Landslide Hazards Program  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Mineral Resources Program  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
National Geospatial Program  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
National Geospatial Technical Operations Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
National Ice Core Laboratory  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
National Minerals Information Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
National Wildlife Health Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Nebraska Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Nevada Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
New England Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
New Jersey Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
New Mexico Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
New York Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Observing Systems Division  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Office of Administration  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Office of Land Remote Sensing  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Office of Planning and Programming  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Office of Quality Assurance  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Office of Science Quality and Integrity  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Office of the Alaska Regional Director  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Office of the Associate Director for Core Science Systems  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Office of the Associate Director for Ecosystems  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Office of the Associate Director for Energy, Minerals and Environmental Health  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Office of the Associate Director for Natural Hazards  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Office of the Associate Director for Water  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Office of the Chief Operating Officer  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Office of the Director for USGS  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Office of the Midcontinent Regional Director  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Office of the Northeast Regional Director  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Office of the Northwest - Pacific Islands Regional Director  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Office of the Rocky Mountain Regional Director  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Office of the Southeast Regional Director  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Office of the Southwest Regional Director  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Oregon Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Pacific Islands Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Pennsylvania Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Project Management Office  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Research Drilling Program  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Science Analytics and Synthesis  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Science and Decisions Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
South Atlantic Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Southwest Biological Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Triga Reactor  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
USGS Library  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Upper Midwest Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Utah Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Virginia and West Virginia Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Volcano Hazards Program Office  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Volcano Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Washington Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Western Ecological Research Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Western Fisheries Research Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Western Geographic Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Wetland and Aquatic Research Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 
Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center  View in ScienceBase  Download .csv 


Persistent identifiers (ORCIDs and DOIs) 

Query by ORCID ( Returns items where the associated person is listed in the contacts section (e.g., as an author or point of contact). 

Note: this query will only detect a person’s name in the contacts section if the name is matched to its ScienceBase directory record and if the directory record contains the person’s ORCID.{orcId:0000-0001-8054-5139}

Query by ORCID and limit search results to data release products:{orcId:0000-0003-1329-5285}&filter=systemType=Data+Release  

Query by DOI:{type:DOI,key:doi:10.5066/P99K85SW} 


Additional options for data release queries 


Advanced Search

The following information is intended for advanced ScienceBase users.

Search with Filters

Allowed Filters


filter=browseType=ArcGIS Service Definition


Format is dateRange={choice:<choice>,start:<yyyy-mm-dd>,end:<yyyy-mm-dd>,dateType:<date type>}


Format is itemIdentifier = {type:<type>,scheme:<scheme>,key:<key>}

filter=party=Core Science Systems
filter=party={name:Core Science Systems,type:USGS Mission Area}

filter=partyWithName=17387_Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center

Format is tags={name:<name>,type:<type>,scheme:<scheme>}

Filter Conjunction

Note: "should" instead of "filter" performs an "OR" search

Multiple Filters
filter0=facets.facetName=NGGDPP Item&filter1=browseCategory=Physical Item

Search Results Control

fields -- specifies which fields in the sbJSON to return, e.g., title, summary, distributionLinks, webLinks, previewImage.
fieldset -- a wrapper for a specific set of fields. Resolves to a "field=" parameter.
loadInstances -- loads the result items from mongoDB vs. just responding with the elasticsearch response. Some fields, such as distributionLinks, are only available from mongoDB, so the loadInstances parameter would be required to fetch those.
max -- maximum number of items to return per request. Note: ScienceBase enforces an upper limit of 1000. If "max" is not specified, the default is 20.
offset -- paging parameter. Returns items beginning at offset.
order -- can be ascending (asc) or descending (desc).
sort -- sorts by title, dateCreated, lastUpdated, or firstContact.

Spatial Query

This query type is a query filter in the following format:<quer…;

Spatial search supports only the following types of shapes in any format:

  • point and multipoint
  • linestring
  • polygon and multipolygon
  • envelope

The query supports either WKT or GeoJSON input spatial data in one of four different forms:

  • Raw WKT, e.g., POINT(-105 43)
  • JSON with WKT and relation, e.g., {wkt:POINT(-105 43),relation:disjoint}
  • Raw GeoJSON, e.g., {type:point, coordinates:[-105.078056,40.559167]}
  • JSON with GeoJSON and relation, e.g., {shape:{type:point,coordinates:[-105.078056,40.559167]},relation:disjoint}

The relation field must be one of:

  • intersects
  • disjoint
  • within

# Polygon extent query
filter=spatialQuery={wkt:"POLYGON((-102 37,-102 41,-109 41,-109 37,-102 37),(-104 38,-106 38,-105 39,-104 38))",relation:intersects,fields:Extents}

Extent Query

This query type is a query filter in the following format:<query…;

There are two forms the contents of the query can take:

  • Extent ID, e.g., 36
  • JSON with extent ID and relation type, e.g., {​​​​​​extent:36,relation:within}

The relation field must be one of:

  • intersects
  • disjoint
  • within

# Find items whose footprint intersects Colorado (extent 36) with a buffer of .125 degrees.

Vocabulary Search

The ScienceBase Vocab application has two query builder forms for creating vocab search queries:

View all vocabularies in ScienceBase Vocab:

Get IDs back for all vocabularies in a folder:

Get terms back from a vocabulary, by vocab ID: 

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