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Chronic Wasting Disease Modeling for Bridger Teton National Forest Structured Decision Making (cwd-btnf-sdm-v2)

October 6, 2023

This software release contains the code necessary to run the chronic wasting disease (CWD) and elk habitat selection models used to support the U.S. Forest Service decision on whether to continue to permit supplemental feeding of elk on USFS land. The models allow for four different management alternatives: continued feeding, emergency feeding, phase-out after three years, or no feeding. The CWD model simulates elk population and disease dynamics over time and includes output data on the number of elk hunted over time. The habitat selection model uses the elk population size output from the CWD model and spatially allocates those elk counts across the herd units in order to calculate the number of days elk spend on private property, or mule deer and moose winter ranges. Economic calculations of hunting revenues and potential brucellosis costs are based on methods developed in the USFS draft Environmental Impact Statement.

Publication Year 2023
Title Chronic Wasting Disease Modeling for Bridger Teton National Forest Structured Decision Making (cwd-btnf-sdm-v2)
DOI 10.5066/P9R7XWO1
Authors Paul C Cross, Emily M Tomaszewski, Jonathan D Cook
Product Type Software Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK) Headquarters
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