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1990s bird and vegetation data from UMR floodplain forest

From 1994-1997 I surveyed breeding birds and sampled vegetation at 391 random points on UMR floodplain forest along a latitudinal gradient to characterize bird assemblages and associations with gradients in forest structure at the local survey point and land cover composition within 200m radius of survey points (landscape scale). We conducted 10 minute 50m fixed radius point counts (Ralph et al. 1

Habitat diversity and longitudinal connectivity limit the functional diversity and redundancy of fishes in a large river: Data

The csv file includes all individual non-young-of-year fishes collected in unstructured channel borders of the Upper Mississippi River using daytime electrofishing from 1993 through 2015, following LTRM protocols. Data was collected via the Long Term Resource Monitoring element of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Upper Mississippi River Restoration program and the Illinois Natural History Surveys