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Web Tools

Web tools include dashboards, interactive maps and other products that visualize data to help communicate information. Explore some of these tools relating to Long Island Sound below.

Long Island Sound Basin Data-Collection Locations

This interactive web application displays U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data-collection locations in the Long Island Sound watershed. Station types include water-quality sampling sites, streamgages, groundwater-level and tidal monitoring sites, and meteorological sites. The sites shown on this map were active data-collection locations from May 2022 to May 2023.

Nitrogen Loading from Selected Long Island Sound Tributaries from 1995 to 2021

This dashboard application displays nitrogen concentrations and loads in selected Long Island Sound tributaries.

Overview of the Long Island Sound

The U.S. Geological Survey collects long-term hydrologic data and conducts scientific research within Long Island Sound and its watershed. This geonarrative summarizes the history, features and the ecological and societal importance of the Long Island Sound and its watershed. It also discusses the ongoing challenges that threaten the Sound’s environmental health.

Nitrogen Loading from Selected Long Island Sound Tributaries from 1995 to 2016

This dashboard application displays nitrogen concentrations and loads in selected Long Island Sound tributaries.

Chloride Data for Streams in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island

View recent and historical chloride and specific conductance data for active water-quality monitoring stations on streams in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island.
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