Biologists at Columbia Environmental Research Center drawdown and seine a pond to collect reproductive pallid sturgeon. The pond has been specially designed to provide turbid, flowing water that pallid sturgeon need to thrive.
Aaron DeLonay
Aaron is an Ecologist at the Columbia Environmental Research Center.
Science and Products
CERC Eco-flume
Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project Blog - 2018
Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project Blog - 2021
Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project Blog - 2020
Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project Blog - 2019
Pallid Sturgeon Early Life
Adult Pallid Sturgeon Reproductive Ecology
Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project Blog - 2016
Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project (CSRP)
Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project Blog - 2017
Water temperature in the Lower Missouri River and selected tributaries
Observations of survival and hatch of developing pallid sturgeon embryos in relation to experimental substrate and sediment cover
Developmental stage and length of Pallid Sturgeon and Shovelnose Sturgeon free embryos reared at a constant temperature
Cumulative thermal units and developmental stage of Pallid Sturgeon free embryos reared at multiple temperatures
Ploidy and genome size estimates of artificially produced larval pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus
Microsatellite genotypes and DNA yield of artificially produced larval pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus
Pallid Sturgeon Spawning Habitat in the Lower Missouri River
Biologists at Columbia Environmental Research Center drawdown and seine a pond to collect reproductive pallid sturgeon. The pond has been specially designed to provide turbid, flowing water that pallid sturgeon need to thrive.
Pallid sturgeon eggs become adhesive minutes after fertilization. Scientists are working to understand the factors that influence the adhesiveness of sturgeon eggs.
Pallid sturgeon eggs become adhesive minutes after fertilization. Scientists are working to understand the factors that influence the adhesiveness of sturgeon eggs.
Scientist surgically implants an acoustic transmitter in a shovelnose sturgeon to monitor spawning behavior during controlled experiments.
Scientist surgically implants an acoustic transmitter in a shovelnose sturgeon to monitor spawning behavior during controlled experiments.
Acoustic telemetry transmitter used to monitor shovelnose sturgeon and pallid sturgeon during spawning in specially constructed ponds at the Columbia Environmental Research Center.
Acoustic telemetry transmitter used to monitor shovelnose sturgeon and pallid sturgeon during spawning in specially constructed ponds at the Columbia Environmental Research Center.
Researchers count out 800 eight-day old, free embryo lake sturgeon for studies of downstream dispersal in experimental streams.
Researchers count out 800 eight-day old, free embryo lake sturgeon for studies of downstream dispersal in experimental streams.
USGS Biologist prepares to artificially spawn a female lake sturgeon in the laboratory at the Columbia Environmental Research Center.
USGS Biologist prepares to artificially spawn a female lake sturgeon in the laboratory at the Columbia Environmental Research Center.
Female pallid sturgeon captured in the Missouri River near Boonville, MO.
Female pallid sturgeon captured in the Missouri River near Boonville, MO.
Ten minute samples from ichthyoplankton nets deployed near the bottom of the Missouri River. Samples are sorted and searched for paddlefish and sturgeon free embryos.
Ten minute samples from ichthyoplankton nets deployed near the bottom of the Missouri River. Samples are sorted and searched for paddlefish and sturgeon free embryos.
A USGS Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project telemetry crew tracks radio telemetered pallid sturgeon in Montana.
A USGS Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project telemetry crew tracks radio telemetered pallid sturgeon in Montana.
A sidescan sonar image sample shows highlighted areas of suspected gravel substrate.
A sidescan sonar image sample shows highlighted areas of suspected gravel substrate.
Substrate and pond configurations are shown before being used in a study on sturgeon reproduction at CERC.
Substrate and pond configurations are shown before being used in a study on sturgeon reproduction at CERC.
Free embryo sample from Missouri River.
Free embryo sample from Missouri River.
Collected eggs and extracted milt mixed with water and stirred with a feather to stimulate fertilization.
Collected eggs and extracted milt mixed with water and stirred with a feather to stimulate fertilization.
Milt being collected from a male Pallid Sturgeon.
Milt being collected from a male Pallid Sturgeon.
Researchers at the Columbia Environmental Research Center will use experimental streams with sand, gravel or cobble bottoms to help to determine the influence of the different substrates on hatch and initiation of dispersal of pallid sturgeon free-embryos.
Researchers at the Columbia Environmental Research Center will use experimental streams with sand, gravel or cobble bottoms to help to determine the influence of the different substrates on hatch and initiation of dispersal of pallid sturgeon free-embryos.
Weekly sturgeon free embryo efforts were initiated on April 15, 2014 near the confluence of the Platte and Missouri Rivers. Pictured is biologist Jeff Beasley preparing to deploy a sampling net into the Missouri River.
Weekly sturgeon free embryo efforts were initiated on April 15, 2014 near the confluence of the Platte and Missouri Rivers. Pictured is biologist Jeff Beasley preparing to deploy a sampling net into the Missouri River.
Biologists work together to conduct reproductive assessments on pallid sturgeon held in study ponds.
Biologists work together to conduct reproductive assessments on pallid sturgeon held in study ponds.
Biologists work together to conduct reproductive assessments on pallid sturgeon held in study ponds.
Biologists work together to conduct reproductive assessments on pallid sturgeon held in study ponds.
Missouri River ice flows past a boat ramp located near Hartsburg, MO.
Missouri River ice flows past a boat ramp located near Hartsburg, MO.
Hermann, MO boat ramp--December 2013.
Hermann, MO boat ramp--December 2013.
Biologist Sabrina Davenport with a reproductive male pallid sturgeon.
Biologist Sabrina Davenport with a reproductive male pallid sturgeon.
The effects of substrate and sediment burial on survival of developing pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) and shovelnose sturgeon (S. platorynchus) embryos
Haploid gynogens facilitate disomic marker development in paleotetraploid sturgeons
Ontogenetic development of pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) and shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) from hatch through yolk absorption
Growth and survival rates of dispersing free embryos and settled larvae of pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) in the Missouri River, Montana and North Dakota
Production of haploid gynogens to inform genomic resource development in the paleotetraploid pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus)
Physical characteristics and simulated transport of pallid sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon eggs
Characterization of pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) spawning habitat in the Lower Missouri River
Improved genetic identification of acipenseriform embryos with application to the endangered pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus
Evaluating flow management as a strategy to recover an endangered sturgeon species in the Upper Missouri River, USA
Diet and condition of age‐0 Scaphirhynchus Sturgeon: Implications for shallow‐water habitat restoration
Status of knowledge of the Pallid Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus Forbes and Richardson, 1905)
Identifying sturgeon spawning locations through back-calculations of drift
Science and Products
CERC Eco-flume
Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project Blog - 2018
Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project Blog - 2021
Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project Blog - 2020
Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project Blog - 2019
Pallid Sturgeon Early Life
Adult Pallid Sturgeon Reproductive Ecology
Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project Blog - 2016
Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project (CSRP)
Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project Blog - 2017
Water temperature in the Lower Missouri River and selected tributaries
Observations of survival and hatch of developing pallid sturgeon embryos in relation to experimental substrate and sediment cover
Developmental stage and length of Pallid Sturgeon and Shovelnose Sturgeon free embryos reared at a constant temperature
Cumulative thermal units and developmental stage of Pallid Sturgeon free embryos reared at multiple temperatures
Ploidy and genome size estimates of artificially produced larval pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus
Microsatellite genotypes and DNA yield of artificially produced larval pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus
Pallid Sturgeon Spawning Habitat in the Lower Missouri River
Biologists at Columbia Environmental Research Center drawdown and seine a pond to collect reproductive pallid sturgeon. The pond has been specially designed to provide turbid, flowing water that pallid sturgeon need to thrive.
Biologists at Columbia Environmental Research Center drawdown and seine a pond to collect reproductive pallid sturgeon. The pond has been specially designed to provide turbid, flowing water that pallid sturgeon need to thrive.
Pallid sturgeon eggs become adhesive minutes after fertilization. Scientists are working to understand the factors that influence the adhesiveness of sturgeon eggs.
Pallid sturgeon eggs become adhesive minutes after fertilization. Scientists are working to understand the factors that influence the adhesiveness of sturgeon eggs.
Scientist surgically implants an acoustic transmitter in a shovelnose sturgeon to monitor spawning behavior during controlled experiments.
Scientist surgically implants an acoustic transmitter in a shovelnose sturgeon to monitor spawning behavior during controlled experiments.
Acoustic telemetry transmitter used to monitor shovelnose sturgeon and pallid sturgeon during spawning in specially constructed ponds at the Columbia Environmental Research Center.
Acoustic telemetry transmitter used to monitor shovelnose sturgeon and pallid sturgeon during spawning in specially constructed ponds at the Columbia Environmental Research Center.
Researchers count out 800 eight-day old, free embryo lake sturgeon for studies of downstream dispersal in experimental streams.
Researchers count out 800 eight-day old, free embryo lake sturgeon for studies of downstream dispersal in experimental streams.
USGS Biologist prepares to artificially spawn a female lake sturgeon in the laboratory at the Columbia Environmental Research Center.
USGS Biologist prepares to artificially spawn a female lake sturgeon in the laboratory at the Columbia Environmental Research Center.
Female pallid sturgeon captured in the Missouri River near Boonville, MO.
Female pallid sturgeon captured in the Missouri River near Boonville, MO.
Ten minute samples from ichthyoplankton nets deployed near the bottom of the Missouri River. Samples are sorted and searched for paddlefish and sturgeon free embryos.
Ten minute samples from ichthyoplankton nets deployed near the bottom of the Missouri River. Samples are sorted and searched for paddlefish and sturgeon free embryos.
A USGS Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project telemetry crew tracks radio telemetered pallid sturgeon in Montana.
A USGS Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project telemetry crew tracks radio telemetered pallid sturgeon in Montana.
A sidescan sonar image sample shows highlighted areas of suspected gravel substrate.
A sidescan sonar image sample shows highlighted areas of suspected gravel substrate.
Substrate and pond configurations are shown before being used in a study on sturgeon reproduction at CERC.
Substrate and pond configurations are shown before being used in a study on sturgeon reproduction at CERC.
Free embryo sample from Missouri River.
Free embryo sample from Missouri River.
Collected eggs and extracted milt mixed with water and stirred with a feather to stimulate fertilization.
Collected eggs and extracted milt mixed with water and stirred with a feather to stimulate fertilization.
Milt being collected from a male Pallid Sturgeon.
Milt being collected from a male Pallid Sturgeon.
Researchers at the Columbia Environmental Research Center will use experimental streams with sand, gravel or cobble bottoms to help to determine the influence of the different substrates on hatch and initiation of dispersal of pallid sturgeon free-embryos.
Researchers at the Columbia Environmental Research Center will use experimental streams with sand, gravel or cobble bottoms to help to determine the influence of the different substrates on hatch and initiation of dispersal of pallid sturgeon free-embryos.
Weekly sturgeon free embryo efforts were initiated on April 15, 2014 near the confluence of the Platte and Missouri Rivers. Pictured is biologist Jeff Beasley preparing to deploy a sampling net into the Missouri River.
Weekly sturgeon free embryo efforts were initiated on April 15, 2014 near the confluence of the Platte and Missouri Rivers. Pictured is biologist Jeff Beasley preparing to deploy a sampling net into the Missouri River.
Biologists work together to conduct reproductive assessments on pallid sturgeon held in study ponds.
Biologists work together to conduct reproductive assessments on pallid sturgeon held in study ponds.
Biologists work together to conduct reproductive assessments on pallid sturgeon held in study ponds.
Biologists work together to conduct reproductive assessments on pallid sturgeon held in study ponds.
Missouri River ice flows past a boat ramp located near Hartsburg, MO.
Missouri River ice flows past a boat ramp located near Hartsburg, MO.
Hermann, MO boat ramp--December 2013.
Hermann, MO boat ramp--December 2013.
Biologist Sabrina Davenport with a reproductive male pallid sturgeon.
Biologist Sabrina Davenport with a reproductive male pallid sturgeon.