Hydrologic technician collecting a discharge measurement in conjunction with a water quality sample at USGS site 01195149, Huzzle Guzzle Brook near Madison, Connecticut.
Casey Beaudoin
Casey Beaudoin is a Hydrologic Technician in the New England Water Science Center.
Casey is a water quality technician who routinely collects discrete samples in MA and RI for short-term projects and long-term network studies. In addition to sampling, she maintains several continuous monitor sites with parameters including water temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, pH, chlorophyll, turbidity, and nitrate.
Professional Experience
Hydrologic Technician, U.S. Geological Survey, New England Water Science Center, 2019 to Present
Education and Certifications
B.S. Environmental Geoscience, University of Massachusetts Lowell, 2018
Science and Products
Hydrologic technician collecting a discharge measurement in conjunction with a water quality sample at USGS site 01195149, Huzzle Guzzle Brook near Madison, Connecticut.
A buoy is deployed at the Merrimack River estuary (USGS site 011008745) just off of Salisbury MA from May to October each year.
Hydrologic technicians collecting a water-quality sample from a boat at USGS site 011006988, Merrimack River at Bates Bridge, Haverhill, Massachusetts.
Hydrologic technicians collecting a water-quality sample from a boat at USGS site 011006988, Merrimack River at Bates Bridge, Haverhill, Massachusetts.
Science and Products
Hydrologic technician collecting a discharge measurement in conjunction with a water quality sample at USGS site 01195149, Huzzle Guzzle Brook near Madison, Connecticut.
Hydrologic technician collecting a discharge measurement in conjunction with a water quality sample at USGS site 01195149, Huzzle Guzzle Brook near Madison, Connecticut.
A buoy is deployed at the Merrimack River estuary (USGS site 011008745) just off of Salisbury MA from May to October each year.
Hydrologic technicians collecting a water-quality sample from a boat at USGS site 011006988, Merrimack River at Bates Bridge, Haverhill, Massachusetts.
Hydrologic technicians collecting a water-quality sample from a boat at USGS site 011006988, Merrimack River at Bates Bridge, Haverhill, Massachusetts.