Catherine (Cathy) Chamberlin
Cathy Chamberlin is a Physical Scientist in the New England Water Science Center.
Cathy is trained as a river ecosystem ecologist. Prior to the USGS, her work addressed nutrient loads, transport, and transformations in watersheds and river networks using large scale timeseries and geospatial analyses.
Professional Experience
Physical Scientist, U.S. Geological Survey, New England Water Science Center, 2022 to Present
Postdoctoral Fellow, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - ORISE (Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education), 2020 to 2022
Adjunct Faculty, Duke University Marine Lab, Beaufort, North Carolina, 2020
Postgraduate Researcher, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 2014 to 2015
English Teacher, Fulbright Program, Pushchino, Russia, 2012 to 2013
Education and Certifications
Ph.D. Ecology, Duke University, 2020
B.S. Chemistry, Yale University, 2012
Affiliations and Memberships*
Society of Freshwater Science (SFS), 2017 to Present
American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2016 to Present
Science and Products
Predictive Analysis of Water Demand for Providence, Rhode Island
Monthly and Annual population and water withdrawal maps of Rhode Island 2014-2021
Model Archive, Input Data, Modeled Estimates of Water Use 2005-2021, and Forecasts of Water Use in 2030 and 2040 in Providence, Rhode Island
Thermoelectric-power water use reanalysis for the 2008-2020 period by power plant, month, and year for the conterminous United States
Automating physics-based models to estimate thermoelectric-power water use
Estimating domestic self-supplied water use in Rhode Island, 2014–21
A predictive analysis of water use for Providence, Rhode Island
Science and Products
Predictive Analysis of Water Demand for Providence, Rhode Island
Monthly and Annual population and water withdrawal maps of Rhode Island 2014-2021
Model Archive, Input Data, Modeled Estimates of Water Use 2005-2021, and Forecasts of Water Use in 2030 and 2040 in Providence, Rhode Island
Thermoelectric-power water use reanalysis for the 2008-2020 period by power plant, month, and year for the conterminous United States
Automating physics-based models to estimate thermoelectric-power water use
Estimating domestic self-supplied water use in Rhode Island, 2014–21
A predictive analysis of water use for Providence, Rhode Island
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government