Edward M Larkin (Former Employee)
Science and Products
GIS Data for Geologic Map of the Butte 1 x 2 Degrees Quadrangle, Montana
The data release for the geologic map of the Butte 1 degree x 2 degrees quadrangle, Montana, is a Geologic Map Schema (GeMS)-compliant version that updates the GIS files for the geologic map published in Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open File Report MBMG 363 (Lewis, 1998). The updated digital data present the attribute tables and geospatial features (points, lines and polygons) in...
GIS Data for Geologic Map of the Challis 1 x 2 Degrees Quadrangle, Idaho
The data release for the geologic map of the Challis 1 x 2 degrees quadrangle, Idaho, is a Geologic Map Schema (GeMS)-compliant version that updates the GIS files for the geologic map published in U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Miscellaneous Investigations I-1819 (Fisher and others, 1992). The updated digital data present the attribute tables and geospatial features (points, lines and...
Science and Products
GIS Data for Geologic Map of the Butte 1 x 2 Degrees Quadrangle, Montana
The data release for the geologic map of the Butte 1 degree x 2 degrees quadrangle, Montana, is a Geologic Map Schema (GeMS)-compliant version that updates the GIS files for the geologic map published in Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open File Report MBMG 363 (Lewis, 1998). The updated digital data present the attribute tables and geospatial features (points, lines and polygons) in...
GIS Data for Geologic Map of the Challis 1 x 2 Degrees Quadrangle, Idaho
The data release for the geologic map of the Challis 1 x 2 degrees quadrangle, Idaho, is a Geologic Map Schema (GeMS)-compliant version that updates the GIS files for the geologic map published in U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Miscellaneous Investigations I-1819 (Fisher and others, 1992). The updated digital data present the attribute tables and geospatial features (points, lines and...