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Elizabeth Ann Hittle

Elizabeth is a member of the USGS Hydoacoustic Work Group and the Surface Water Users Group and has been the local ADCP and hydroacoustic technology resource. She is continuing to develop her expertise in index-velocity technology by assisting other water science centers in their work. 

Elizabeth Hittle started her USGS career in Miami, Florida as a Hydrologic Technician working for the hydrologic surveillance data program collecting and computing basic streamflow data. As hydroacoustic technology became available, Miami was in the forefront of computing streamflow data using acoustic Doppler velocity meters (ADVMs) and Elizabeth helped to develop a number of the index-velocity ratings that were used. In 2002, Elizabeth was converted to a Hydrologist and assisted in a number of projects including a turbidity/sediment study. In 2006, Elizabeth transferred to the Pennsylvania Water Science Center, Pittsburgh Office.


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