USGS scientist, Jill Hardiman, working on a screw trap on the White Salmon River to assess anadromous fish recolonization following removal of a large dam.
Ian Jezorek
(He/him)I am a Fisheries Biologist working extensively with small stream and river environments with an emphasis on salmonids, both resident and anadromous. Research includes population, behavior and responses to restoration actions including dam removals. Research tools include snorkeling, electrofishing, and trapping to count and capture fish.
I have focused much on PIT tagging and radio tagging of juvenile and adult salmonids. I have been involved in design, construction, deployment, and operation of many instream PIT-tag interrogation systems.
I am currently involved with studies focusing on steelhead populations, life histories, habitat, and limiting factors in the Wind River, WA as part of a multi-agency effort to restore steelhead populations in the Wind River. A portion of the Wind River work has focused on interaction between juvenile steelhead an introduced run of hatchery spring Chinook salmon. A current focus of work in the Wind River and the White Salmon River, WA is on assessing salmonid population response to dam removal, which has occurred in both watersheds. Much data on salmonid ecology and life-histories is gathered through tagging fish with Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tags. Instream PIT tag detection systems are a tool we have employed in many watersheds and continue to do so in several local watersheds.
Professional Experience
1997 to Present - Fish Biologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Western Fisheries Research Center, Columbia River Research Laboratory, Cook, WA
1996-1997 - Biologist 1, Johnson Controls World Services Inc. Stationed at Columbia River Research Laboratory, Cook, WA
1995. Biological Aid, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Research Division, The Dalles, OR
1994. Fisheries Technician, USDA Forest Service, Ochoco Ranger Station, Prineville, OR
1993. Biological Aid, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Lewiston, ID
Education and Certifications
B.S. 1992. Fishery Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Science and Products
Salmonid Population and Life History Research in Tributary Stream and River Habitats and Response to Dam Removal
Rock Creek Fish Population and Life History Assessment (Washington)
Steelhead Life History Study in White Creek on the Yakama Nation Reservation
USGS scientist, Jill Hardiman, working on a screw trap on the White Salmon River to assess anadromous fish recolonization following removal of a large dam.
Wind River Subbasin Restoration Annual Report of USGS Activities January 2021 through December 2022
Juvenile salmonid monitoring to assess natural recolonization following removal of Condit Dam on the White Salmon River, Washington, 2016–21
Hybridization between historically allopatric Chinook salmon populations in the White Salmon River, WA
Wind River subbasin restoration: Annual report of US..Geological Survey activities, January 2018 through December 2018
A field evaluation of the growth and survival of age-0 Oncorhynchus mykiss tagged with 8-mm passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags
Wind River subbasin restoration annual report of USGS activities January 2017 through December 2017
Juvenile salmonid monitoring following removal of Condit Dam in the White Salmon River Watershed, Washington, 2017
Wind River Subbasin Restoration, Annual report of U.S. Geological Survey activities, January 2016 through December 2016
Juvenile salmonid monitoring in the White Salmon River, Washington, post-Condit Dam removal, 2016
Wind River Subbasin Restoration, annual report of U.S. Geological Survey activities: Parr monitoring and instream passive integrated transponder detection, January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015
Wind River subbasin restoration: Annual report of U.S. Geological Survey activities January 2014 through December 2014
Science and Products
Salmonid Population and Life History Research in Tributary Stream and River Habitats and Response to Dam Removal
Rock Creek Fish Population and Life History Assessment (Washington)
Steelhead Life History Study in White Creek on the Yakama Nation Reservation
USGS scientist, Jill Hardiman, working on a screw trap on the White Salmon River to assess anadromous fish recolonization following removal of a large dam.
USGS scientist, Jill Hardiman, working on a screw trap on the White Salmon River to assess anadromous fish recolonization following removal of a large dam.