Isabelle (Izzy) Sophia Seten
Izzy is a Physical Scientist with the USGS, Central Midwest Water Science Center, in the Fluvial Mechanics and Geomorphology group; she assists with the execution of surface and water quality projects. This includes collecting, analyzing and visualizing hydrologic and bathymetric data using a variety of technology and software.
Izzy started with the survey in July 2022 as a Hydrologic Technician Field Assistant focusing on collecting and analyzing bathymetric data for lakes in Cook County, IL. She is an alumnus of Augustana College, graduated May 2022 with B.A. degrees in Environmental Studies and Geology. Her undergraduate research was geared towards environmental geology and water quality, conducting research in urban watersheds connected to the Mississippi River in the Upper Basin region so Izzy was super excited to get involved with USGS CMWSC research. This past January she was converted to a Physical Scientist in the Fluvial Mechanics and Geomorphology group where she is able to continue working on the Cook County Bathymetry project as well as getting added experience in other projects with Water Quality monitoring and Invasive Asian Carp mitigation/research/modeling.