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Jeffrey Bromaghin, Ph.D.

My research broadly encompasses the development and application of statistical methods and models to improve our understanding of ecological processes that influence the survival, behavior, and reproduction of individual animals, and how individual-animal outcomes ultimately scale upward to shape the dynamics and demographics of entire populations and communities through time and space.

My research involves the development and application of new analytical methods and models to improve our understanding of wildlife population ecology, with a current emphasis on polar bears and other DOI trust species residing in Arctic and sub-Arctic ecosystems. Past work has included nest survival models, applications of genetics in wildlife models, size selectivity and the effects of selective exploitation, animal response to capture and handling, and mark-recapture methodology. Most current research involves the development of mark-recapture and integrated population models to improve our understanding of polar bear population dynamics in a warming Arctic and the use of biotracers (e.g. fatty acids, stable isotopes) to estimate predator diet composition and animal origins and movements. Research products provide valuable information to the public and management authorities from local to international levels, and many have broad applicability that advance the discipline of statistical ecology.

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