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Jill Jenkins, Ph.D.

Jill Jenkins is a Research Microbiologist at the USGS Wetland and Aquatic Research Center. 

Jill Jenkins’ efforts emphasize the study of potential impacts of environmental stressors at the cellular and molecular levels. Her major areas of focus include biomarker development, endocrine disruption, genetics, and comparative immunology.  Key laboratory biotechnologies she uses are photomicroscopy and flow cytometry.  Primary cell types studied are blood and spermatozoa, and assays are tailored to the particular species requirements and hypotheses being addressed. 

Jenkins specializes in the development and application of biomarkers; these are measures of variables that respond in quantifiable ways to changes in the environment.  The choice of particular biomarkers at specific biological levels of organization (such as genetic, cellular, tissue, hormonal, and organismal levels) depends on the study at hand.  Because molecular and biochemical responses of cells are preceded by chemical changes in nuclei, cytoplasm, membranes, and extracellular fluids, these responses can be diagnostic and contribute to an assessment of ecosystem health.


1991-1992: Postdoctoral Res.;  Reproductive Genetics Labs, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Univ. of TN, with Stephen Wachtel

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