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Jordan Lubbers

Jordan is a Mendenhall research fellow working on quantifying the frequency of large volume tephra producing eruptions in the Aleutian arc. To do this, he primarily uses micro-analytical techniques (e.g., EPMA, LA-ICP-MS), numerical models, and multivariate statistics.

Previously Jordan has worked on quantifying timescales of generating large volumes of eruptible silicic magma associated with caldera forming eruptions. A large portion of this research dealt with using changes in mineral chemistry (think chemical zoning) to better understand larger magma reservoir scale processes. To investigate these issues, he commonly uses tools that gather in situ geochemical information (i.e. EPMA, laser ablation ICP-MS, Computed Tomography) and methods that utilize their data (i.e. diffusion chronometry, thermodynamic modeling). He also has worked on and is passionate about generating open source software, with a focus on Python, for the petrology community with recent efforts devoted to thermobarometry, laser ablation ICP-MS data reduction, and image processing. 

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