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Kara Jones, PhD

Kara is a Geneticist at the Eastern Ecological Science Center at Leetown in Kearneysville, WV 

Kara received an MS in Environmental Science and Policy from George Mason University in 2015 and a PhD in Biology from the University of Kentucky in 2023. Her previous work focused largely on ecology, population genetics, phylogenetics, and phylogeography in herpetofauna, including habitat selection in worm snakes; chytrid fungus detection in toads; and ecological factors affecting genetic diversity in frogs and salamanders. She is currently working on the bioinformatics side of a variety of projects using eDNA metabarcoding to detect marine species, terrestrial mammals, and pollinator communities; genome-wide markers to assess genetic diversity in an imperiled butterfly species; and ultraconserved elements (UCEs) to delimit species in freshwater fishes.

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