Kyle Kelso
Kyle Kelso is the Marine Operations and Facilities Manager at the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Science and Products
Nearshore Multibeam and Single-beam Bathymetry Data: Madeira Beach, Florida, February 2017
In February 2017, the United States Geological Survey Saint Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC) conducted multibeam and single-beam bathymetric surveys of the nearshore waters off the coast of Madeira Beach, Florida. These data were collected as part of a regional study designed to better understand coastal processes on barrier islands and sandy beaches. Results...
Single-Beam Bathymetric Data Collected in 2004 and 2008 from the Mississippi River Delta Plain, Louisiana
This data release serves as an archive of single-beam bathymetric (SBB) data collected in July 2004 (Madison Bay study area; U.S. Geological Survey [USGS] Field Activity Number [FAN] 2004-303-FA) and August 2008 (Bully Camp, Point au Chien, Caminada, Fourchon, and Leeville study areas; USGS FAN 08SWL02) at six study areas in the Mississippi River Delta Plain (MRDP), Louisiana. Data were...
Coastal Bathymetry Data Collected in 2016 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana
The U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC), collected single-beam and swath bathymetry data at the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana in June of 2016. This USGS data release includes the resulting processed elevation point data (xyz) and an interpolated digital elevation model (DEM). For further information regarding data collection and/or...
Archive of Sediment Data from Vibracores Collected in 2016 from Fire Island, New York
Researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a long-term coastal morphologic-change study at Fire Island, New York, prior to and after Hurricane Sandy impacted the area in October 2012. The Fire Island Coastal Change project objectives include understanding the morphologic evolution of the barrier island system on a variety of time scales (months to centuries) and...
Sedimentary Data Collected in April 2013 From Dauphin Island and Salt Marshes of Coastal Alabama
From April 13 to 20, 2013, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC) collected push cores and vibracores on Dauphin Island, Alabama, along with push and auger cores in salt marshes at several locations in southwestern coastal Alabama. This work, a component of the SPCMSCs Barrier Island Evolution Research (BIER) project, was...
Coastal Single-Beam Bathymetry Data Collected in 2017 from the Chenier Plain, Louisiana
As part of the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority's Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program, scientist from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a nearshore single-beam bathymetry survey along the Chenier Plain, Louisiana from Marsh Island to Sabine Pass. The goal of the BICM program is to provide long...
Coastal Bathymetry Data Collected in 2016 nearshore from West Ship Island to Horn Island, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Mississippi
This data release provides 667-line kilometers (km) of processed single-beam bathymetry (SBB) data and 773-line km of processed Interferometric Bathymetry (IFB) collected by the USGS SPCMSC in July 2016 (field activity number [FAN] 2016-347-FA). The IFB were acquired on board the Research Vessel (R/V) Sallenger (subFAN, 16BIM04), and the SBB was acquired on board the R/V Jabba Jaw...
Single-Beam Bathymetry Data Collected in 2015 Nearshore Dauphin Island, Alabama
Dauphin Island, Alabama is a barrier island located in the Northern Gulf of Mexico that supports local residences, tourism, commercial infrastructure, and the historical Fort Gaines. During the past decade, Dauphin Island has been impacted by several major hurricanes (Ivan, 2004; Katrina, 2005; Isaac, 2012). Storms, along with sea level rise, present a continued threat to island...
Archive of Sediment Data Collected in 2014 and 2015 From Around Breton and Gosier Islands, Breton National Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana
Breton Island, located at the southern end of the Chandeleur Islands, supports one of Louisiana's largest historical brown pelican nesting colonies. Although the brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) was delisted as an endangered species in 2009, nesting areas are threatened by continued land loss and are extremely vulnerable to storm impacts. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed...
Coastal Interferometric Swath Bathymetry Data Collected in 2015 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana
The U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC), collected swath bathymetry data at the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana in September 2015. This USGS Data Release includes the resulting processed elevation point data (xyz) and an interpolated digital elevation model (DEM). For further information regarding data collection and/or processing please...
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Sediment data from vibracores collected in 2016 from Fire Island, New York
Researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a long-term coastal morphologic-change study at Fire Island, New York, prior to and after Hurricane Sandy impacted the area in October 2012. The Fire Island Coastal Change project objectives include understanding the morphologic evolution of the barrier island system on a variety of time scales (months to centuries) and...
Noreen A. Buster, Julie Bernier, Owen T. Brenner, Kyle W. Kelso, Thomas M. Tuten, Jennifer L. Miselis
Nearshore single-beam bathymetry data collected in 2015, Dauphin Island, Alabama
Dauphin Island, Alabama, is a barrier island located in the northern Gulf of Mexico that supports local residences, tourism, commercial infrastructure, and historic Fort Gaines. During the past decade, Dauphin Island was affected by several major hurricanes—Hurricanes Ivan (2004), Katrina (2005), and Isaac (2012)—and storms, along with sea-level rise, continue to present a threat to...
Nancy T. DeWitt, Chelsea A. Stalk, James G. Flocks, Julie Bernier, Kyle W. Kelso, Jake J. Fredericks, Thomas M. Tuten
Nearshore coastal bathymetry data collected in 2016 from West Ship Island to Horn Island, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Mississippi
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center, in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District, conducted bathymetric surveys of the nearshore waters surrounding Ship and Horn Islands, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Mississippi. The objective of this study was to establish base-level elevation conditions around West Ship, East...
Nancy T. DeWitt, Chelsea A. Stalk, Jake J. Fredericks, James G. Flocks, Kyle W. Kelso, Andrew S. Farmer, Thomas M. Tuten, Noreen A. Buster
Coastal single-beam bathymetry data collected in 2015 from Raccoon Point to Point Au Fer Island, Louisiana
As part of the Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program (BICM), scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a nearshore single-beam bathymetry survey along the south-central coast of Louisiana, from Raccoon Point to Point Au Fer Island, in July 2015. The goal of the BICM program is to provide long-term data on...
Chelsea A. Stalk, Nancy T. DeWitt, Jack L. Kindinger, James G. Flocks, Billy J. Reynolds, Kyle W. Kelso, Joseph J. Fredericks, Thomas M. Tuten
Sediment data collected in 2014 and 2015 from around Breton and Gosier Islands, Breton National Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana
Breton Island, located at the southern end of the Chandeleur Islands, supports one of Louisiana’s largest historical brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) nesting colonies. Although the brown pelican was delisted as an endangered species in 2009, nesting areas are threatened by continued land loss and are extremely vulnerable to storm impacts. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed...
Julie Bernier, Kyle W. Kelso, Thomas M. Tuten, Chelsea A. Stalk, James G. Flocks
Coastal single-beam bathymetry data collected in 2015 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana
As part of the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a single-beam bathymetry survey around the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, in June 2015. The goal of the program is to provide long-term data on Louisiana’s...
Chelsea A. Stalk, Nancy T. DeWitt, Julie Bernier, Jack G. Kindinger, James G. Flocks, Jennifer L. Miselis, Stanley D. Locker, Kyle W. Kelso, Thomas M. Tuten
Coastal bathymetry data collected in 2013 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana
As part of the Barrier Island Evolution Research Project, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted nearshore geophysical surveys around the northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, in July and August of 2013. The objective of the study is to better understand barrier-island geomorphic evolution, particularly storm-related...
Nancy T. DeWitt, Jennifer L. Miselis, Jake J. Fredericks, Julie Bernier, Billy J. Reynolds, Kyle W. Kelso, David M. Thompson, James G. Flocks, Dana S. Wiese
Archive of bathymetry and backscatter data collected in 2014 nearshore Breton and Gosier Islands, Breton National Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana
As part of the Barrier Island Monitoring Project, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted nearshore geophysical surveys off Breton and Gosier Islands, Louisiana, in July and August of 2014. To assist the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) with restoration planning efforts, the USGS was tasked with answering...
Nancy T. DeWitt, Jake J. Fredericks, James G. Flocks, Jennifer L. Miselis, Stanley D. Locker, Jack L. Kindinger, Julie Bernier, Kyle W. Kelso, Billy J. Reynolds, Dana S. Wiese, Trevor Browning
Sediment data collected in 2014 from Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
In response to the 2010 Governor’s Action Plan to clean up the Barnegat Bay–Little Egg Harbor (BBLEH) estuary in New Jersey, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) partnered with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection in 2011 to begin a multidisciplinary research project to understand the physical controls on water quality in the bay. Between 2011 and 2013, USGS scientists...
Julie Bernier, Chelsea, A. Stalk, Kyle W. Kelso, Jennifer L. Miselis, Rob Tunstead
Archive of Sidescan Sonar and Swath Bathymetry Data Collected During USGS Cruise 13CCT04 Offshore of Petit Bois Island, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Mississippi, August 2013
In August of 2013, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted a geophysical survey offshore of Petit Bois Island, Mississippi. This effort was part of the U.S. Geological Survey Gulf of Mexico Science Coordination partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to assist the Mississippi Coastal Improvements Program and the Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem Change and Hazards Susceptibility...
Nancy T. DeWitt, James G. Flocks, Jack L. Kindinger, Julie Bernier, Kyle W. Kelso, Dana S. Wiese, David P. Finlayson, William R. Pfeiffer
Near-surface stratigraphy and morphology, Mississippi Inner Shelf, northern Gulf of Mexico
Over the past decade, the Mississippi Barrier Islands have been the focus of a comprehensive geologic investigation by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the National Park Service (NPS). The islands (Dauphin, Petite Bois, Horn, East Ship, West Ship, and Cat) are part of the Gulf Islands National Seashore (GUIS), and...
James G. Flocks, Jack Kindinger, Kyle W. Kelso, Julie Bernier, Nancy T. DeWitt, Michael FitzHarris
Geologic control on the evolution of the inner shelf morphology offshore of the Mississippi barrier islands, northern Gulf of Mexico, USA
Between 2008 and 2013, high-resolution geophysical surveys were conducted around the Mississippi barrier islands and offshore. The sonar surveys included swath and single-beam bathymetry, sidescan, and chirp subbottom data collection. The geophysical data were groundtruthed using vibracore sediment collection. The results provide insight into the evolution of the inner shelf and the...
James G. Flocks, Jack L. Kindinger, Kyle W. Kelso
Science and Products
Nearshore Multibeam and Single-beam Bathymetry Data: Madeira Beach, Florida, February 2017
In February 2017, the United States Geological Survey Saint Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC) conducted multibeam and single-beam bathymetric surveys of the nearshore waters off the coast of Madeira Beach, Florida. These data were collected as part of a regional study designed to better understand coastal processes on barrier islands and sandy beaches. Results...
Single-Beam Bathymetric Data Collected in 2004 and 2008 from the Mississippi River Delta Plain, Louisiana
This data release serves as an archive of single-beam bathymetric (SBB) data collected in July 2004 (Madison Bay study area; U.S. Geological Survey [USGS] Field Activity Number [FAN] 2004-303-FA) and August 2008 (Bully Camp, Point au Chien, Caminada, Fourchon, and Leeville study areas; USGS FAN 08SWL02) at six study areas in the Mississippi River Delta Plain (MRDP), Louisiana. Data were...
Coastal Bathymetry Data Collected in 2016 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana
The U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC), collected single-beam and swath bathymetry data at the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana in June of 2016. This USGS data release includes the resulting processed elevation point data (xyz) and an interpolated digital elevation model (DEM). For further information regarding data collection and/or...
Archive of Sediment Data from Vibracores Collected in 2016 from Fire Island, New York
Researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a long-term coastal morphologic-change study at Fire Island, New York, prior to and after Hurricane Sandy impacted the area in October 2012. The Fire Island Coastal Change project objectives include understanding the morphologic evolution of the barrier island system on a variety of time scales (months to centuries) and...
Sedimentary Data Collected in April 2013 From Dauphin Island and Salt Marshes of Coastal Alabama
From April 13 to 20, 2013, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC) collected push cores and vibracores on Dauphin Island, Alabama, along with push and auger cores in salt marshes at several locations in southwestern coastal Alabama. This work, a component of the SPCMSCs Barrier Island Evolution Research (BIER) project, was...
Coastal Single-Beam Bathymetry Data Collected in 2017 from the Chenier Plain, Louisiana
As part of the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority's Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program, scientist from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a nearshore single-beam bathymetry survey along the Chenier Plain, Louisiana from Marsh Island to Sabine Pass. The goal of the BICM program is to provide long...
Coastal Bathymetry Data Collected in 2016 nearshore from West Ship Island to Horn Island, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Mississippi
This data release provides 667-line kilometers (km) of processed single-beam bathymetry (SBB) data and 773-line km of processed Interferometric Bathymetry (IFB) collected by the USGS SPCMSC in July 2016 (field activity number [FAN] 2016-347-FA). The IFB were acquired on board the Research Vessel (R/V) Sallenger (subFAN, 16BIM04), and the SBB was acquired on board the R/V Jabba Jaw...
Single-Beam Bathymetry Data Collected in 2015 Nearshore Dauphin Island, Alabama
Dauphin Island, Alabama is a barrier island located in the Northern Gulf of Mexico that supports local residences, tourism, commercial infrastructure, and the historical Fort Gaines. During the past decade, Dauphin Island has been impacted by several major hurricanes (Ivan, 2004; Katrina, 2005; Isaac, 2012). Storms, along with sea level rise, present a continued threat to island...
Archive of Sediment Data Collected in 2014 and 2015 From Around Breton and Gosier Islands, Breton National Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana
Breton Island, located at the southern end of the Chandeleur Islands, supports one of Louisiana's largest historical brown pelican nesting colonies. Although the brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) was delisted as an endangered species in 2009, nesting areas are threatened by continued land loss and are extremely vulnerable to storm impacts. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed...
Coastal Interferometric Swath Bathymetry Data Collected in 2015 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana
The U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC), collected swath bathymetry data at the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana in September 2015. This USGS Data Release includes the resulting processed elevation point data (xyz) and an interpolated digital elevation model (DEM). For further information regarding data collection and/or processing please...
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Sediment data from vibracores collected in 2016 from Fire Island, New York
Researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a long-term coastal morphologic-change study at Fire Island, New York, prior to and after Hurricane Sandy impacted the area in October 2012. The Fire Island Coastal Change project objectives include understanding the morphologic evolution of the barrier island system on a variety of time scales (months to centuries) and...
Noreen A. Buster, Julie Bernier, Owen T. Brenner, Kyle W. Kelso, Thomas M. Tuten, Jennifer L. Miselis
Nearshore single-beam bathymetry data collected in 2015, Dauphin Island, Alabama
Dauphin Island, Alabama, is a barrier island located in the northern Gulf of Mexico that supports local residences, tourism, commercial infrastructure, and historic Fort Gaines. During the past decade, Dauphin Island was affected by several major hurricanes—Hurricanes Ivan (2004), Katrina (2005), and Isaac (2012)—and storms, along with sea-level rise, continue to present a threat to...
Nancy T. DeWitt, Chelsea A. Stalk, James G. Flocks, Julie Bernier, Kyle W. Kelso, Jake J. Fredericks, Thomas M. Tuten
Nearshore coastal bathymetry data collected in 2016 from West Ship Island to Horn Island, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Mississippi
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center, in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District, conducted bathymetric surveys of the nearshore waters surrounding Ship and Horn Islands, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Mississippi. The objective of this study was to establish base-level elevation conditions around West Ship, East...
Nancy T. DeWitt, Chelsea A. Stalk, Jake J. Fredericks, James G. Flocks, Kyle W. Kelso, Andrew S. Farmer, Thomas M. Tuten, Noreen A. Buster
Coastal single-beam bathymetry data collected in 2015 from Raccoon Point to Point Au Fer Island, Louisiana
As part of the Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program (BICM), scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a nearshore single-beam bathymetry survey along the south-central coast of Louisiana, from Raccoon Point to Point Au Fer Island, in July 2015. The goal of the BICM program is to provide long-term data on...
Chelsea A. Stalk, Nancy T. DeWitt, Jack L. Kindinger, James G. Flocks, Billy J. Reynolds, Kyle W. Kelso, Joseph J. Fredericks, Thomas M. Tuten
Sediment data collected in 2014 and 2015 from around Breton and Gosier Islands, Breton National Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana
Breton Island, located at the southern end of the Chandeleur Islands, supports one of Louisiana’s largest historical brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) nesting colonies. Although the brown pelican was delisted as an endangered species in 2009, nesting areas are threatened by continued land loss and are extremely vulnerable to storm impacts. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed...
Julie Bernier, Kyle W. Kelso, Thomas M. Tuten, Chelsea A. Stalk, James G. Flocks
Coastal single-beam bathymetry data collected in 2015 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana
As part of the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted a single-beam bathymetry survey around the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, in June 2015. The goal of the program is to provide long-term data on Louisiana’s...
Chelsea A. Stalk, Nancy T. DeWitt, Julie Bernier, Jack G. Kindinger, James G. Flocks, Jennifer L. Miselis, Stanley D. Locker, Kyle W. Kelso, Thomas M. Tuten
Coastal bathymetry data collected in 2013 from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana
As part of the Barrier Island Evolution Research Project, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted nearshore geophysical surveys around the northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, in July and August of 2013. The objective of the study is to better understand barrier-island geomorphic evolution, particularly storm-related...
Nancy T. DeWitt, Jennifer L. Miselis, Jake J. Fredericks, Julie Bernier, Billy J. Reynolds, Kyle W. Kelso, David M. Thompson, James G. Flocks, Dana S. Wiese
Archive of bathymetry and backscatter data collected in 2014 nearshore Breton and Gosier Islands, Breton National Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana
As part of the Barrier Island Monitoring Project, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center conducted nearshore geophysical surveys off Breton and Gosier Islands, Louisiana, in July and August of 2014. To assist the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) with restoration planning efforts, the USGS was tasked with answering...
Nancy T. DeWitt, Jake J. Fredericks, James G. Flocks, Jennifer L. Miselis, Stanley D. Locker, Jack L. Kindinger, Julie Bernier, Kyle W. Kelso, Billy J. Reynolds, Dana S. Wiese, Trevor Browning
Sediment data collected in 2014 from Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
In response to the 2010 Governor’s Action Plan to clean up the Barnegat Bay–Little Egg Harbor (BBLEH) estuary in New Jersey, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) partnered with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection in 2011 to begin a multidisciplinary research project to understand the physical controls on water quality in the bay. Between 2011 and 2013, USGS scientists...
Julie Bernier, Chelsea, A. Stalk, Kyle W. Kelso, Jennifer L. Miselis, Rob Tunstead
Archive of Sidescan Sonar and Swath Bathymetry Data Collected During USGS Cruise 13CCT04 Offshore of Petit Bois Island, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Mississippi, August 2013
In August of 2013, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted a geophysical survey offshore of Petit Bois Island, Mississippi. This effort was part of the U.S. Geological Survey Gulf of Mexico Science Coordination partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to assist the Mississippi Coastal Improvements Program and the Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem Change and Hazards Susceptibility...
Nancy T. DeWitt, James G. Flocks, Jack L. Kindinger, Julie Bernier, Kyle W. Kelso, Dana S. Wiese, David P. Finlayson, William R. Pfeiffer
Near-surface stratigraphy and morphology, Mississippi Inner Shelf, northern Gulf of Mexico
Over the past decade, the Mississippi Barrier Islands have been the focus of a comprehensive geologic investigation by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the National Park Service (NPS). The islands (Dauphin, Petite Bois, Horn, East Ship, West Ship, and Cat) are part of the Gulf Islands National Seashore (GUIS), and...
James G. Flocks, Jack Kindinger, Kyle W. Kelso, Julie Bernier, Nancy T. DeWitt, Michael FitzHarris
Geologic control on the evolution of the inner shelf morphology offshore of the Mississippi barrier islands, northern Gulf of Mexico, USA
Between 2008 and 2013, high-resolution geophysical surveys were conducted around the Mississippi barrier islands and offshore. The sonar surveys included swath and single-beam bathymetry, sidescan, and chirp subbottom data collection. The geophysical data were groundtruthed using vibracore sediment collection. The results provide insight into the evolution of the inner shelf and the...
James G. Flocks, Jack L. Kindinger, Kyle W. Kelso