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Lind S Gee

Lind Gee is the chief of the Earthquake Monitoring Project in the Menlo Park/Moffett Field office of the Earthquake Science Center.

Career Experience

2015-            Chief, Earthquake Monitoring Project, USGS Earthquake Science Center

2005-2015       Scientist-in-charge, USGS Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory

2009-2012       Adjunct Faculty, University of New Mexico

2003-2005       Academic Coordinator, University of California Berkeley

1997-2003       Associate Specialist, University of California Berkeley

1993-1997       Assistant Research Geophysicist, University of California Berkeley

1991-1993       Post-Graduate Research Geophysicist, University of California Berkeley

1990-1991       Postdoctoral Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Selected Organizational and Administrative Responsibilities

2015-               Member, ShakeAlert Executive Committee

2005-2015       Observer, Global Seismographic Network Standing Committee

2002-2006       Member, ’06 Earthquake Centennial Alliance Steering Committee

2000-2001       Chair, Bay Area HAZUS Users Group Automap Committee

1999-2001       Vice-Chair, CNSS Executive Committee

1999-2000       Member, IRIS Education & Outreach Standing Committee

1997-2001       Member, Bay Area HAZUS Users Group Advisory Committee

1996-2005       Member, California OES Earthquake Clearinghouse Group

1996-1999       Associate Editor, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 

1995-1999       Secretary, IRIS Executive Committee 

1995-1999       Member, CNSS Executive Committee

Awards and Fellowships

2006                USGS Shoemaker Award for External Communications Print Product

1987-1990       Air Force Graduate Fellow

1985                Best Student Paper Award - 1985 Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union

1983-1986       National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow

1982                Christopher Goetze Memorial Award for Undergraduate Research, MIT

1981-1982       Agassiz Certificate of Merit

1981-1982       Harvard College Scholarship

1978-1979       Harvard College Scholarsh

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