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​Morgan Schachterle​

Morgan Schachterle (she/her) is a Chemist with the USGS Water Resources Mission Area.

​​Morgan Schachterle, MSc, is an environmental analytical chemist whose research is focused on contaminants of emerging concern and how pollutants can impact water quality and availability. She serves as the GC/MS/MS analyst and lab manager for the Water Nexus Lab and Integrated Water Chemistry Lab in Boulder, Colorado. Morgan recently helped develop a novel SPE-GC/MS/MS method for the analysis of over 50 contaminants in aqueous samples as well as a method to quantitate sterols and anhydrous sugars in sediment samples. She enjoys helping to develop new and innovative approaches to answering environmental questions. 

​Morgan came to the USGS from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS) where she earned her MSc. in Chemistry. Her research at UCCS was focused on determining levels of flame retardants in furnace filter dust sampled from residential homes in Colorado with the goal of gaining a better understanding of indoor air quality. She developed a low-solvent microextraction method for analysis of these dust samples.​

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