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New Jersey Water Science Center

Welcome! Since 1903, the New Jersey Water Science Center has been collecting high-quality hydrologic data and conducting unbiased water-science research to address the water-resource priorities of the Nation, global trends and support statewide water-resource infrastructure and management needs.


Predictions of PFAS in groundwater at drinking water supply depths in the U.S.

Predictions of PFAS in groundwater at drinking water supply depths in the U.S.

USGS deploys “aftershock kits” to study Whitehouse Station earthquakes

USGS deploys “aftershock kits” to study Whitehouse Station earthquakes

Amphibians have one more thing to worry about—mercury—large USGS study shows

Amphibians have one more thing to worry about—mercury—large USGS study shows


Streamflow characteristics and trends in New Jersey, water years 1903–2017

As New Jersey’s population density remains high, so does its requirements for water management. Understanding the streamflow conditions throughout the state and how they may have changed over time is an important part of managing the water resources within the state. The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection has many responsibilities related to protecting the environment and...
Amy R. McHugh, Thomas P. Suro, Samantha L. Sullivan, Brianna Williams

Predictions of groundwater PFAS occurrence at drinking water supply depths in the United States

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), known colloquially as “forever chemicals”, have been associated with adverse human health effects and have contaminated drinking water supplies across the United States owing to their long-term and widespread use. People in the United States may unknowingly be drinking water that contains PFAS because of a lack of systematic analysis...
Andrea K. Tokranov, Katherine Marie Ransom, Laura M. Bexfield, Bruce D. Lindsey, Elise Watson, Danielle Dupuy, Paul Stackelberg, Miranda S. Fram, Stefan Voss, James A. Kingsbury, Bryant Jurgens, Kelly Smalling, Paul M. Bradley

Predictive understanding of stream salinization in a developed watershed using machine learning

Stream salinization is a global issue, yet few models can provide reliable salinity estimates for unmonitored locations at the time scales required for ecological exposure assessments. Machine learning approaches are presented that use spatially limited high-frequency monitoring and spatially distributed discrete samples to estimate the daily stream-specific conductance across a...
Jared David Smith, Lauren Elizabeth Koenig, Margaux Jeanne Sleckman, Alison P. Appling, Jeffrey M Sadler, Vincent T. DePaul, Zoltan Szabo


USGS National Water Quality Network

Understanding the quality of U.S. streams, rivers, and groundwater requires consistent data collection and analysis over decades for proper context of current conditions. The USGS collects nationally standardized data and information as part of the National Water Quality Network (NWQN). The NQWN is made up of sites across the Nation where USGS scientists regularly measure water-quality conditions.

USGS National Water Quality Network

Understanding the quality of U.S. streams, rivers, and groundwater requires consistent data collection and analysis over decades for proper context of current conditions. The USGS collects nationally standardized data and information as part of the National Water Quality Network (NWQN). The NQWN is made up of sites across the Nation where USGS scientists regularly measure water-quality conditions.
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A National Predictive Model for PFAS Occurrence in Groundwater

In October of 2024, USGS Scientist’s published a study where they created a model to predict PFAS occurrence in groundwater at the depths of drinking water supplies. This model can help guide our partners to sample areas where PFAS in drinking water could be an issue for the public.
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Flooded Roadway and Bridge Crossing Mapping and Early Warning System for Selected Communities in Hunterdon County, New Jersey

This project seeks to develop methods to identify when a flooded roadway or bridge crossing condition may exist and to provide a tool for users to select rainfall scenarios in addition to the selected river condition to estimate if road flooding may occur with the selected combination. These tools will provide officials in Hunterdon County and at the state level of management better early warning...

Flooded Roadway and Bridge Crossing Mapping and Early Warning System for Selected Communities in Hunterdon County, New Jersey

This project seeks to develop methods to identify when a flooded roadway or bridge crossing condition may exist and to provide a tool for users to select rainfall scenarios in addition to the selected river condition to estimate if road flooding may occur with the selected combination. These tools will provide officials in Hunterdon County and at the state level of management better early warning...
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