Nicole Ashley Casamassina (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Delineation of areas contributing groundwater and travel times to receiving waters in Kings, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk Counties, New York
To assist resource managers and planners in developing informed strategies to address nitrogen loading to coastal water bodies of Long Island, New York, the U.S. Geological Survey and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation initiated a program to delineate areas contributing groundwater to coastal water bodies by assembling a comprehensive dataset of areas contributing...
Paul E. Misut, Nicole A. Casamassina, Donald A. Walter
The Use of Solute-transport Methods to Estimate Time-varying Nitrogen Loading Rates to the Peconic Estuary Resulting from Wastewater and Fertilizer Inputs to Groundwater in Suffolk County, New York (Peconic Solute Transport)
Problem The Peconic Estuary of eastern Long Island, New York, is undergoing development as the region transitions from a rural area dependent on agriculture and tourism to a suburban one with a larger year-round population. The glacial and coastal-plain sediments underlying Long Island comprise a sole-source aquifer system that supplies the region’s communities with potable water. The...
Evaluation of a barrier-island breach created by Hurricane Sandy at Fire Island National Seashore, N.Y.
Hurricane Sandy has created three open breaches in the barrier island system along the south shore of Long Island, N.Y. In response, the National Park Service has sought assistance from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) New York Water Science Center (NYWSC) to help evaluate the open breach condition in Federal Wilderness near the Old Inlet area of Fire Island National Seashore, N.Y. The...
Bathymetric and Tidal Discharge data for Wilderness Breach, Fire Island National Seashore, Long Island, NY, May 14, 2015
In 2012, Hurricane Sandy created an open breach in the barrier island system along the south shore of Long Island, N.Y. This breach formed at a location known as Old Inlet and migrated rapidly westward over the winter storm season following Hurricane Sandy. In response, the National Park Service sought assistance from the USGS New York Water Science Center to help evaluate the...
Science and Products
Delineation of areas contributing groundwater and travel times to receiving waters in Kings, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk Counties, New York
To assist resource managers and planners in developing informed strategies to address nitrogen loading to coastal water bodies of Long Island, New York, the U.S. Geological Survey and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation initiated a program to delineate areas contributing groundwater to coastal water bodies by assembling a comprehensive dataset of areas contributing...
Paul E. Misut, Nicole A. Casamassina, Donald A. Walter
The Use of Solute-transport Methods to Estimate Time-varying Nitrogen Loading Rates to the Peconic Estuary Resulting from Wastewater and Fertilizer Inputs to Groundwater in Suffolk County, New York (Peconic Solute Transport)
Problem The Peconic Estuary of eastern Long Island, New York, is undergoing development as the region transitions from a rural area dependent on agriculture and tourism to a suburban one with a larger year-round population. The glacial and coastal-plain sediments underlying Long Island comprise a sole-source aquifer system that supplies the region’s communities with potable water. The...
Evaluation of a barrier-island breach created by Hurricane Sandy at Fire Island National Seashore, N.Y.
Hurricane Sandy has created three open breaches in the barrier island system along the south shore of Long Island, N.Y. In response, the National Park Service has sought assistance from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) New York Water Science Center (NYWSC) to help evaluate the open breach condition in Federal Wilderness near the Old Inlet area of Fire Island National Seashore, N.Y. The...
Bathymetric and Tidal Discharge data for Wilderness Breach, Fire Island National Seashore, Long Island, NY, May 14, 2015
In 2012, Hurricane Sandy created an open breach in the barrier island system along the south shore of Long Island, N.Y. This breach formed at a location known as Old Inlet and migrated rapidly westward over the winter storm season following Hurricane Sandy. In response, the National Park Service sought assistance from the USGS New York Water Science Center to help evaluate the...