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Philip J. Brown

A Geophysicist having over 25 years experience with geophysical operations, multidisciplinary geophysical data processing, joint earth-science data inversion and interpretation, software development and documentation, geodetic positioning, GIS, data base architecture, as well as engineering and repairing acquisition hardware.  Currently develop and administer cloud- and web-based solutions fo

  • Geophysical and petrophysical technical expertise regarding ground-based, offshore, airborne, wire-line, and Measurement-While-Drilling (MWD) exploration tools utilizing multi-component (full tensor) -seismic, -potential-field, -electrical, and nuclear methods.
  • Joint inversion and geologic interpretation of geophysical and petrophysical multi-dimensional data employing novel non-linear statistical methods and data-driven techniques. 
  • Interactive development environment (IDE) experience with Microsoft Visual Studio (VS), Eclipse, Jupyter, VS Code, and KDevelop.
  • Data Base, GIS Development, and Content Management using C++, Visual Basic, JavaScript, Python, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, ArcGIS Online, Oasis montaj, JSON, XML, HTML, CSS, Google Application Scripting (GAS), ScienceBase API, USGS Publications Warehouse API, USGS Metadata Wizard API, USGS Active Directory API, and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  • Earth Science related, object-oriented software development using GitHub, C++, Visual Basic, JavaScript, Python, Fortran, R, IDL, SQL, PHP, HTML, XML, CSS, DOS Script, LabView, MatLab, and Geosoft Oasis montaj GX/OMS.
  • Light-Client and Web Development using HTML, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, XML, Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, USGS CMS, JSON, and Adobe Creative Design Suite. 
  • Computing platform application development for 32- and 64- bit MS Windows NT, 2000, 2002, XP, 7 and 10; Cygwin; Macintosh OS-X; Linux Gnome, K, and Ubuntu Desktops; Unix X-Windows; NEXT; DOS; VMS/VAX; as well as various proprietary and/or hand-held systems including real-time computing hardware used for data acquisition.
  • Land Surveying, Down-Hole Directional Surveying, and Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) Differential Global Positioning Systems (GPS).  Blue Marble type visualizations.
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