Ray Campbell
Ray provides guidance, training, and other assistance on Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) related matters to managers, supervisors and employees, managing the discrimination complaints programs and coordinating hearings and appeals with the DOI, Office of Civil Rights (OCR), EEOC, and the Office of the Solicitor.
Science and Products
Adopt a Pixel - Data Infrastructure
Note 9/22/18: The Adopt a Pixel concept has been incorporated into NASA's Globe Observer App (Land Cover Tool). Find out more and download the app at https://observer.globe.gov/. *** Adopt a Pixel-Data Infrastructure (AaP-DI) provides the basis for a new data acquisition system for ground reference data. These data will be used to complement existing and future remote sensing collections by provi
Impacts of Climate Change and Melting Glaciers on Coastal Ecosystems in the Gulf of Alaska
As glaciers melt from climate change, their contents – namely, large quantities of freshwater, sediment, and nutrients – are slowly released into coastal ecosystems. This project addressed the impacts of melting glaciers on coastal ecosystems in the Copper River region of the Gulf of Alaska, which is home to several commercially important fisheries. Researchers examined how glacial melting is alte
Science and Products
Adopt a Pixel - Data Infrastructure
Note 9/22/18: The Adopt a Pixel concept has been incorporated into NASA's Globe Observer App (Land Cover Tool). Find out more and download the app at https://observer.globe.gov/. *** Adopt a Pixel-Data Infrastructure (AaP-DI) provides the basis for a new data acquisition system for ground reference data. These data will be used to complement existing and future remote sensing collections by provi
Impacts of Climate Change and Melting Glaciers on Coastal Ecosystems in the Gulf of Alaska
As glaciers melt from climate change, their contents – namely, large quantities of freshwater, sediment, and nutrients – are slowly released into coastal ecosystems. This project addressed the impacts of melting glaciers on coastal ecosystems in the Copper River region of the Gulf of Alaska, which is home to several commercially important fisheries. Researchers examined how glacial melting is alte