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Sonya Bogle

Sonya is a geographer at the USGS Astrogeology Science Center. Sonya obtained her bachelor’s degree in Geology from Northern Arizona University (NAU) in 2021. She is currently working with the USGS-NASA Planetary Geologic Mapping Program, the Astrolink, and the USGS Planetary Data System Node to make maps, data, and archival resources more digitally accessible to the planetary science community.

I graduated from Northern Arizona University (NAU) in 2021, and while obtaining my bachelor’s degree in Geology, I spent extensive time in the field, creating my own proposals, and researching various geologic topics. I was a two-time recipient of the Hooper Undergraduate Research Award, heading my own research theses in the fields of Paleoecology and Volcanology, while also helping with lab and research assistantships. I previously worked on the NASA-RPIF/Astrolink archival inventory project at the Astrogeology Science Center (ASC), and the exposure to planetary science, data management, and public accessibility all piqued my interest. My main points of interest are geologic mapping, fieldwork, GIS, and data accessibility. The opportunities to provide greater support for the planetary science community and for the general public make me eager to see what the future holds at ASC!


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