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Steven M Matsuoka

My research identifies 1) the terrestrial birds in Alaska that are most at-risk to environmental change and 2) the key habitats and resources these at-risk species require across their annual cycles and ranges to adapt to change.

I research the ecology and population dynamics of terrestrial birds (landbirds) in arctic and boreal ecosystems of Alaska and Canada. This large, yet poorly studied group of Federal Trust Species includes 142 breeding bird species in Alaska alone. My research produces information on status, trends, resource use, and limiting factors to identify 1) the landbird species most at risk to environmental change and 2) the key habitats and resources these species require to adapt to change. This information is used by resource managers in Alaska and Canada to prioritize limited resources for the species and habitats most in need of conservation. Many of my studies address bird populations at large spatial scales such as the state of Alaska, the western boreal forest biome, or entire species’ migratory ranges. These studies require considerable coordination among U.S. and Canadian collaborators to collect the data and often involve new approaches to analyze data compiled across multiple studies.


*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government

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