Travis McDevitt-Galles
Travis McDevitt-Galles is a Biologist at the National Wildlife Health Center.
Science and Products
Dynamic population models with temporal preferential sampling to infer phenology
To study population dynamics, ecologists and wildlife biologists typically use relative abundance data, which may be subject to temporal preferential sampling. Temporal preferential sampling occurs when the times at which observations are made and the latent process of interest are conditionally dependent. To account for preferential sampling, we specify a Bayesian hierarchical abundance model tha
Michael Schwob, Mevin B. Hooten, Travis Mcdevitt-Galles
Science and Products
Dynamic population models with temporal preferential sampling to infer phenology
To study population dynamics, ecologists and wildlife biologists typically use relative abundance data, which may be subject to temporal preferential sampling. Temporal preferential sampling occurs when the times at which observations are made and the latent process of interest are conditionally dependent. To account for preferential sampling, we specify a Bayesian hierarchical abundance model tha
Michael Schwob, Mevin B. Hooten, Travis Mcdevitt-Galles