Interactive Map: Monitoring Virginia Eastern Shore Groundwater Conditions
About this Tool
Clicking on an observation well location will generate a pop-up box enabling the user to scroll through the monitoring wells at that location. Water-level observations can be obtained with a link to the NWIS site for each individual observation well. The table of contents can be used to show or hide wells screened in each of the Eastern Shore aquifers.
At any location, the depth of the screen in an observation well determines the aquifer for which a water level is being measured (illustration). At some locations, State Observation Well (SOW) research stations with multiple adjacent monitoring wells screened at different depths are used to simultaneously measure water levels in various aquifers. A table with detailed information for all monitoring wells can be viewed using the tab at the bottom of this page.
Simplified Cross Section of Virginia Eastern Shore Hydrologic Units
Below are publications related Eastern Shore of Virginia.
Hydrogeologic framework of the Virginia Eastern Shore
Simulation of Groundwater-Level and Salinity Changes in the Eastern Shore, Virginia
Hydrogeology and analysis of the ground-water-flow system of the eastern shore, Virginia
Ground-water resources of the eastern shore of Virginia and the James, York, and Rappahannock river basins of Virginia east of the fall line
Records of selected wells on the Eastern Shore peninsula, Virginia (including well logs and chemical analyses of ground water)
Geology and ground-water resources of the Eastern Shore Peninsula, Virginia
Summary of geology and ground-water resources of the Eastern Shore peninsula, Virginia: a preliminary report
Below are publications related Eastern Shore of Virginia.