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Daikoku Seamount

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Daikoku seamount lies in the Northern Seamount Province of the Mariana Arc, and is about 850 km north of Guam in the western Pacific Ocean.

Facts Block

Location: Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Latitude: 21.324° N

Longitude: 144.194° E

Elevation: -323 (m) -1060 (f)

Volcano type: Submarine 

Composition: Andesite

Most recent eruption: unknown

Threat Potential: Very low*

*based on the National Volcano Early Warning System

The conical summit of Daikoku seamount lies along an E-W ridge SE of Eifuku and rises to within 323 m of the sea surface. A steep-walled, 50-m-wide crater on the N flank, about 75 m below the summit, is at least 135 m deep and was observed to emit cloudy hydrothermal fluid. During a NOAA expedition in 2006, scientists observed a convecting black pool of liquid sulfur with a partly solidified, undulating sulfur crust at a depth of 420 m below the summit. Gases, particulates with the appearance of smoke, and liquid sulfur were bubbling up from an edge of the sulfur pool. From the Smithsonian Global Volcanism Program.

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