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Fact Sheets

Clynne, M. A., Christiansen, R. L., Stauffer, P. H., Hendley II, J. W. & Bleick, H. (2014). A Sight "Fearfully Grand" — Eruptions of Lassen Peak, California, 1914 to 1917. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet , 2014-3119, 4 p.


Stovall, W. K., Marcaida, M. & Mangan, M. T. (2014). The California Volcano Observatory—Monitoring the State's Restless Volcanoes. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet , 2014-3120, 4 p.


Clynne, M. A., Janik, C. J. & Muffler, L. P. (2003). "Hot Water" in Lassen Volcanic National Park - Fumaroles, Steaming Ground, and Boiling Mudpots. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet , 101-02, 4 p.


Clynne, M. A., Champion, D. E., Trimble, D. A., Hendley II, J. W. & Stauffer, P. H. (2000). How old is "Cinder Cone"? - solving a mystery in Lassen Volcanic National Park, California. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet , 023-00, 4 p.


Clynne, M. A., Christiansen, R. L., Miller, C. D., Stauffer, P. H. & Hendley II, J. W. (2000). Volcano hazards of the Lassen Volcanic National Park Area, California. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet , 022-00, 4 p.


Field Guides

Clynne, M. A. & Muffler, L. P. (2017). Geologic field-trip guide to the Lassen segment of the Cascades Arc, northern California. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2017-5022-K2, 65 p. doi:10.3133/sir20175022K2


Muffler, L. P. & Clynne, M. A. (2015). Geologic field-trip guide to Lassen Volcanic National Park and vicinity, California. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2015-5067, 67 p. doi:10.3133/sir20155067


Geologic Maps

Clynne, M. A. & Muffler, L. P. (2010). Geologic map of Lassen Volcanic National Park and vicinity, California. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map , 2899, 95 p.


Christiansen, R. L., Clynne, M. A. & Muffler, L. P. (2002). Geologic Map of the Lassen Peak, Chaos Crags, and Upper Hat Creek Area, California. U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Investigations Series , 2723, 18 p.


Hazards Assessments and Reports

Mangan, M. T., Ball, J., Wood, N. J., Jones, J. L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J. & Pridmore, C. (2018). California's Exposure to Volcanic Hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2018-5159, 49 p.


Clynne, M. A., Robinson, J. E., Nathenson, M. & Muffler, L. P. (2012). Volcano hazards assessment for the Lassen region, northern California. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2012-5176-A, 47 p.


Nathenson, M., Clynne, M. A. & Muffler, L. P. (2012). Eruption probabilities for the Lassen Volcanic Center and regional volcanism, northern California, and probabilities for large explosive eruptions in the Cascade Range. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2012-5176-B, 23 p.


Robinson, J. E. & Clynne, M. A. (2012). Lahar Hazard Zones for Eruption-Generated Lahars in the Lassen Volcanic Center, California. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2012-5176-C, 13 p.


White, M. N., Ramsey, D. W. & Miller, C. D. (2011). Database for potential hazards from future volcanic eruptions in California. U.S. Geological Survey Data Series , 661


Miller, C. D. (1989). Potential hazards from future volcanic eruptions in California. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin , 1847, 17 p.


Christiansen, R. L. (1982). Volcanic hazard potential in the California Cascades. Martin, R. C. & Davis, J. F. (Eds.) ,Special Publication , 63, p. 41-59.


Journal Articles

Janik, C. J. & McLaren, M. K. (2009). Seismicity and fluid geochemistry at Lassen Volcanic National Park, California: Evidence for two circulation cells in the hydrothermal system. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research , 189, p. 257-277.


Dzurisin, D. (1999). Results of repeated leveling surveys at Newberry Volcano, Oregon, and near Lassen Peak Volcano, California. Bulletin of Volcanology , 61, pp. 83-91. doi:10.1007/s004450050264


Bacon, C. R., Bruggman, P., Christiansen, R. L., Clynne, M. A., Donnelly-Nolan, J. M. & Hildreth, W. (1997). Primitive magmas at five Cascade volcanic fields: melts from hot, heterogeneous sub-arc mantle.Canadian Mineralogist , 35, 397-423.


USGS General Publication

Janik, C. J. & Bergfeld, D. (2010). Analyses of Gas, Steam and Water Samples Collected in and Around Lassen Volcanic National Park, California, 1975–2002. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report , 2010-1036, 13 p.


Clynne, M. A., Christiansen, R. L., Trimble, D. A. & McGeehin, J. P. (2008). Radiocarbon dates from volcanic deposits of the Chaos Crags and Cinder Cone eruptive sequences and other deposits, Lassen Volcanic National Park and vicinity, California. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report , 2002-290, 18 p.


Hildreth, W. (2007). Quaternary Magmatism in the Cascades - Geologic Perspectives. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper , 1744, 125 p.


Moran, S. (Ed.) (2004). Seismic monitoring at Cascade Volcanic Centers, 2004 -- status and recommendations.U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2004-5211, 28 p.


Muffler, P. L., Weaver, C. & Blackwell, D. (Eds.) (1989). Proceedings of workshop XLIV; geological, geophysical, and tectonic setting of the Cascade Range. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report , 89-178, 706 p.


Chadwick, W., Iwatsubo, E., Swanson, D. A. & Ewert, J. W. (1985). Measurements of slope distances and vertical angles at Mount Baker and Mount Rainier, Washington, Mount Hood and Crater Lake, Oregon, and Mount Shasta and Lassen Peak, California, 1980-1984. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report , 85-205, 98 p.

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