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Ewert, J. W., Harpel, C. J., Brooks, S. K. & Marcaida, M. (2010). Bibliography of Literature Pertaining to Long Valley Caldera and Associated Volcanic Fields. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report , 2010-1320, 146 p. and database.



Hill, D. P. & Montgomery-Brown, E. (2015). Long Valley Caldera and the UCERF Depiction of Sierra Nevada Range-Front Faults. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America , 105, No. 6, - doi:10.1785/0120150149


Fact Sheets

Hill, D. P., Bailey, R. A., Hendley II, J. W., Stauffer, P. H. & Marcaida, M. (2014). California's restless giant: the Long Valley Caldera. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet , 3056, 2 p.


Stovall, W. K., Marcaida, M. & Mangan, M. T. (2014). The California Volcano Observatory—Monitoring the State's Restless Volcanoes. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet , 2014-3120, 4 p.


Farrar, C. D., Evans, W. C., Venezky, D. Y., Hurwitz, S. & Oliver, L. K. (2007). Boiling Water at Hot Creek - The Dangerous and Dynamic Thermal Springs in California's Long Valley Caldera. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet , 2007-3045, 4 p.


Hill, D. P., Bailey, R. A., Sorey, M. L., Hendley II, J. W. & Stauffer, P. H. (2000). Living with a restless Caldera, Long Valley, California. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet , 108-96, 2 p.


Sorey, M. L., Farrar, C. D., Gerlach, T. M., McGee, K. A., Evans, W. C., Hill, D. P., Bailey, R. A., Rogie, J. D., Hendley II, J. W. & Stauffer, P. H. (2000). Invisible CO2 gas killing trees at Mammoth Mountain, California. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet , 172-96, 2 p.


Priest, S. S., Hass, J. H., Ellsworth, W. L., Farrar, C. D., Sorey, M. L., Hill, D. P., Bailey, R. A., Jacobson, R. D., Finger, J. T., McConnell, V. S. & Zoback, M. (1998). Scientific Drilling in Long Valley, California - What Will We Learn?. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet , 077-98, 2 p.


Field Guides

Hildreth, W. & Fierstein, J. (2017). Geologic field-trip guide to Long Valley Caldera, California. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2017-5022-L, 119 p. doi:10.3133/sir20175022L


Geologic Maps

Hildreth, W. & Fierstein, J. (2016). Eruptive history of Mammoth Mountain and its mafic periphery, California. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper , 1812, 138 p.


Bailey, R. A. (1989). Geologic map of Long Valley caldera, Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain, and vicinity, Mono County, California. U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Map , 1933, 11 p.


Hazards Assessments and Reports

Mangan, M. T., Ball, J., Wood, N. J., Jones, J. L., Peters, J., Abdollahian, N., Dinitz, L., Blankenheim, S., Fenton, J. & Pridmore, C. (2018). California's Exposure to Volcanic Hazards. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2018-5159, 49 p.


White, M. N., Ramsey, D. W. & Miller, C. D. (2011). Database for potential hazards from future volcanic eruptions in California. U.S. Geological Survey Data Series , 661


Miller, C. D. (1989). Potential hazards from future volcanic eruptions in California. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin , 1847, 17 p.


Miller, C. D., Mullineaux, D. R., Crandell, D. R. & Bailey, R. A. (1982). Potential hazards from future volcanic eruptions in the Long Valley-Mono Lake area, east-central California and southwest Nevada; a preliminary assessment. U.S. Geological Survey Circular , 877, 10 p.


Journal Articles

Hildreth, W., Fierstein, J. & Calvert, A. T. (2017). Early postcaldera rhyolite and structural resurgence at Long Valley Caldera, California. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research , In Press doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2017.01.005


Peacock, J. R., Mangan, M. T., McPhee, D. & Wannamaker, P. E. (2016). Three-dimensional electrical resistivity model of the hydrothermal system in Long Valley Caldera, California, from magnetotellurics. Geophysical Research Letters , 43, 7953-7962. doi:10.1002/2016GL069263


Peacock, J. R., Mangan, M. T., McPhee, D. & Ponce, D. A. (2015). Imaging the magmatic system of Mono Basin, California, with magnetotellurics in three dimensions. Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth , 120, p 7273–7289. doi:10.1002/2015JB012071


Hildreth, W., Fierstein, J., Champion, D. E. & Calvert, A. T. (2014). Mammoth Mountain and its mafic periphery—A late Quaternary volcanic field in eastern California. Geosphere , 10, p. 1315-1365. doi:10.1130/GES01053.1


Hill, D. P. (2006). Unrest in Long Valley Caldera, California, 1978–2004. Troise, C., De Natale, G. & Kilburn, C. R. (Eds.) , Mechanisms of Activity and Unrest at Large Calderas , 269, 1-24 pp.


Hildreth, W. (2004). Volcanological perspectives on Long Valley, Mammoth Mountain, and Mono Crates: several contiguous but discrete systems. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research , 136, 169-198. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2004.05.019


Gerlach, T. M., Doukas, M. P., McGee, K. A. & Kessler, R. (1999). Airborne detection of diffuse carbon dioxide emissions at Mammoth Mountain, California. Geophysical Research Letters , 26, 3661-3664. doi:10.1029/1999GL008388


McGee, K. A. & Gerlach, T. M. (1998). Annual cycle of magmatic CO2 in a tree-kill soil at Mammoth Mountain, California; implications for soil acidification. Geology , 26, 463-466. doi:10.1130/0091-7613


Eichelberger, J. C., Vogel, T. A., Younker, L. W., Heiken, G. H. & Wohletz, K. H. (1988). Structure and stratigraphy beneath a young phreatic vent: South Inyo Crater, Long Valley Caldera, California. Journal of Geophysical Research , 93, pp. 13,208-13,220.


Miller, C. D. (1985). Holocene eruptions at the Inyo volcanic chain, California: implications for possible eruptions in the Long Valley caldera. Geology , 13, pp. 14-17.


Response and Coordination Plans

Mono County Emergency Operations Plan. Department of Emergency Management (2012). Mono County California.


USGS General Publication

Hildreth, W. & Fierstein, J. (2016). Long Valley Caldera Lake and reincision of Owens River Gorge. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2016-5120, 63 p. doi:10.3133/sir20165120


Hildreth, W. & Fierstein, J. (2016). Long Valley Caldera Lake and reincision of Owens River Gorge. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 5120, 63 p. doi:10.3133/sir20165120


Bergfeld, D. & Evans, W. C. (2011). Monitoring CO2 emissions in tree-kill areas near the Resurgent Dome at Long Valley Caldera, California. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report , 2011-5038, 9 p.


Bailey, R. A. (2004). Eruptive history and chemical evolution of the precaldera and postcaldera basalt-dacite sequences, Long Valley, California: Implications for magma sources, current seismic unrest, and future volcanism. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper , 1692, 75 p.


Duffield, W. A. & Sass, J. H. (2003). Geothermal Energy: Clean Power From the Earth's Heat. U.S. Geological Survey Circular , 1249, 36 p.

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