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Geologic Maps

Billingsley, G. H., Hamblin, W. K., Wellmeyer, J. L. & Dudash, S. L. (2001). Geologic Map of Part of the Uinkaret Volcanic Field, Mohave County, Northwestern Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map , 2368

Luedke, R. G. & Smith, R. L. (1978). Map showing distribution, composition, and age of late Cenozoic volcanic centers in Arizona and New Mexico. U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Map , 1091-A

Journal Articles

Karlstrom, K. E., Crow, R. S., Peters, L., McIntosh, W., Raucci, J., Crossey, L. J., Umhoefer, P. & Dunbar, N. W. (2007). 40Ar/39Ar and field studies of Quaternary basalts in Grand Canyon and model for carving Grand Canyon. Geological Society of America Bulletin , 119, p. 1283-1312. doi:10.1130B26154.1

USGS General Publication

Lowenstern, J. B. (Ed.) (2013). Abstracts for the October 2012 Meeting on Volcanism in the American Southwest, Flagstaff, Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report , 1026, 39 p.

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