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Fundamental Science Practices Training Modules

Updated August 2023

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has training modules available to allow USGS employees and the public to be aware of and understand current USGS Fundamental Science Practices (FSP) policies and procedures and how FSP helps ensure the quality and integrity of USGS science.

The training modules are available for users to download in video and PDF file format. 

For USGS and Department of the Interior (DOI) employees who would like to receive training credit for these modules, they are also available internally through DOI Talent. Once in DOI Talent, go to “Find Learning” > Courses in the top menu, enter the search term “USGS Fundamental Science Practices” into the course name block, click Search, and the modules will appear.

Additional modules will be added as needed. Questions about FSP training should be directed to


Module Name and Description

FSP Overview [Video format] [PDF format]

No matter what policies and guidelines are developed, the responsibility for science excellence remains where it has always been—in the hands and minds of the dedicated scientists of the USGS.

FSP for Authors of Journal Articles [Video format]

This training module is intended primarily for USGS authors and covers the requirements and best practices for obtaining USGS Bureau approval to publish in journals. Two routes are available to meet FSP requirements and obtain Bureau approval depending on circumstance. These two routes are explained.

FSP for Authors of Other Information Products [Video format] [PDF format]

This training module is intended primarily for USGS authors and covers the requirements and best practices for obtaining USGS Bureau approval for information products other than journal articles, abstracts, posters, and presentations. There are separate training modules available for these other information product types owing to the different FSP requirements associated with them.

FSP for First Line Supervisors [Video format] [PDF format]

This training module is intended primarily for USGS first line supervisors who directly manage scientists, contractors, or emeriti employed by or associated with the USGS or who oversee research grants given to entities outside of the USGS.

FSP for Science Center Directors [Video format] [PDF format]

This training module explains USGS Fundamental Science Practice responsibilities for USGS Science Center Directors.

FSP Requirements for Abstracts, Posters, and Presentations [Video format] [PDF format]

This training module is intended primarily for USGS authors and covers the requirements and best practices for obtaining USGS Bureau approval for abstracts, posters, and presentations.

Release of USGS Scientific Data [Video format] [PDF format]

This training module explains USGS Fundamental Science Practice responsibilities for releasing USGS scientific data.

Understanding Free Public Access [Video format] [PDF format]

In this training module, we explain how USGS provides free public access to journal articles and data as explained in the USGS Public Access Plan to ensure the USGS is in compliance with requirements by the Office of Science Technology and Policy (OSTP) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB).


Additional Training Resources

To meet specific FSP training needs, Bureau Approving Officials (BAOs) in the USGS Office of Science Quality and Integrity are available on request to provide customized training to USGS employees on topics such as FSP for new authors and FSP for supervisors and center directors. Some modules from some BAO training sessions are available on the internal FSP website only. Contact the BAO Coordinator for more information.

The USGS Data Management website also provides various data-related training modules that help ensure FSP requirements for scientific data are met.

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