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U.S. flag

An official website of the United States government

440.6 - Flags

This chapter incorporates Department of Interior (Interior) policies, responsibilities, and procedures governing the display and the flying of the United States flag and authorized flags representing Interior, its components, and officials.


OPR:  Administration and Enterprise Information

Instruction:  This chapter is being revised to reflect current Interior guidance governing the display and flying of the U.S. and other authorized flags.

1.  Policy. This chapter incorporates Department of Interior (Interior) policies, responsibilities, and procedures governing the display and the flying of the United States flag and authorized flags representing Interior, its components, and officials.  The Interior policy is contained in 310 DM 5.

2.  Responsibilities. 

A.  The National Business Center (NBC) is responsible for establishing and disseminating Interior policy and guidance regarding flags.

B.  Bureaus and offices are responsible for displaying and flying the United States (U.S.), Department of Interior, Secretarial, and authorized Bureau flags in accordance with the guidelines set forth in 310 DM 5.

3.  Procurement.  The U.S. flag may be purchased through GSA Federal Supply Stores.  Interior  indoor and outdoor flags may be purchased through the NBC, Division of Facilities Management Services.  The USGS flag, which is available in several sizes, may be obtained from the Office of Administration and Enterprise Information, Office of Management Services, Materials Management Branch, Reston Supply Service Center.

4.  Half-Staffing of U.S. Flag.  The U.S. flag will be flown at half-staff on occasions specified in Presidential Proclamation 3044, and when so directed by the Secretary of the Interior.  See 310 DM 5.3D.

A.  The NBC will notify each bureau headquarters of occasions when half-staffing is required.

(1)  Bureaus should disseminate the information contained in Presidential Proclamation 3044 to all field activities which have flag flying responsibility and establish internal notification procedures to ensure compliance with half-staffing requirements.  Bureau headquarters will notify affected field activities on these occasions.

B.  Interior Directed Half-Staffing.  Interior specific requests for half-staffing, i.e., for a facility, Bureau, or Interior-wide, must be channeled through the Bureau or Office Head, to the appropriate Assistant Secretary, then to the Secretary for decision.  The NBC must be advised of these requests, as notification may be required when the Secretary of the Interior orders a half-staff for Interior locations.  The NBC will notify the bureau contacts responsible for notifying their affected field offices on these occasions and ensuring compliance.

/s/ Karen D. Baker                                                                              March 30, 2011

________________________________________________            __________________
Karen D. Baker                                                                                               Date 
Associate Director for Administration and Enterprise Information