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Message from USGS Nevada Water Science Center Director

Welcome to the USGS Nevada Water Science Center Web Site! The mission of the USGS Nevada Water Science Center is to collect high-quality hydrologic data and conduct objective scientific investigations on the quantity, quality, and use of surface- and groundwater resources within the State of Nevada. 

We provide policy makers, managers, and scientists, and the general public with information needed to understand and make informed decisions about the State of Nevada's water resources. We have two primary offices: one in Carson City and one in Henderson, with a highly trained staff of engineers, scientists, technicians and support personnel committed to providing accurate and timely natural resource information. The technical staff is organized into two sections:  the Hydrologic Data Section, which operates the data collection networks, and the Studies Section, which investigates and assesses the quantity, quality and use of the State's water resources.

The Hydrologic Data Section maintains a network of hydrologic data-collection sites and compiles hydrologic data collected from these sites for public use. Hydrologic data include records of 

  • stage and discharge of principal rivers and streams, 
  • water quality, and 
  • water levels in selected aquifers. 

The data are compiled and permanently archived in USGS databases and are available to the public through the USGS National Water Information System Web Interface (NWISweb). Many sites are available in real-time, using satellite telemetry to transmit current hydrologic conditions from the more than 180 streamflow-gaging stations in Nevada.

The investigation and assessment of the surface- and ground-water resources of Nevada is accomplished through a series of projects conducted by the Studies Section. Program emphasis is to provide timely, objective hydrologic information to Federal, State, Tribal, and local agencies regarding water-supply availability, water quality, water-source identification, and water-resource management.

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