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USGS Oceanographer Invited as Keynote Speaker for International Conference

Research Oceanographer Joseph Long of the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center will travel to Delft, Netherlands, to be a keynote speaker at the upcoming XBeachX conference, which takes place November 1–3.

This article is part of the August-October 2017 issue of the Sound Waves newsletter.

Scientist Joe Long collects data in the field
Scientist Joe Long collects data in the field. Photo credit: USGS

Long will speak to the international community about USGS morphodynamic modeling of the coastal environment, including the use of models to predict the impact of extreme storms on barrier islands. The USGS has been integral in the testing and development of numerical modeling tools, such as XBeach, over the last decade. His talk will focus on past USGS advancements and ongoing research activities designed to improve model capabilities.

For more information about the conference, visit

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