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USGS scientists travel to Seven Mile Island in New Jersey to conduct nearshore geophysical survey

USGS SPCMSC personnel Jennifer Miselis (Research Geologist), Julie Bernier (Geologist), Nancy DeWitt (Geologist), Andy Farmer (CNT), Jake Fredericks (Hydrographic Technician), Kyle Kelso (Marine Operations Manager), BJ Reynolds (Engineering Technician), Chelsea Stalk (CNT), and Hunter Wilcox (CNT) will travel to southern New Jersey to conduct a nearshore geophysical survey.

The survey will take place from 4–25 September 2018 along Seven Mile Island, NJ, which was impacted by Hurricane Sandy in 2012. The work is funded by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and supports an ongoing assessment of the effectiveness of post-Sandy coastal restoration projects. The objective of the field effort is to measure seafloor elevations and sub-seafloor geology in water depths of 0 to ~15 m in order to quantify changes in shoreface sediment availability. The crew will use two personal watercraft equipped with echosounders to map very shallow surf zone seafloor elevations and a high-resolution multibeam bathymetry system to map seafloor elevations in the region between ~0.5 to 2km offshore. Shoreface geology will be mapped using an Edgetech 512i which will be launched from the beach and then subsequently towed by SPCMSC Research Vessel (R/V) Sallenger. This survey is the first of three surveys planned as part of the project.

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