MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model—Conjunctive Use Simulation Software (MF-OWHM)
The MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM) – Conjunctive Use Simulation Software (Boyce, 2022; Boyce and others, 2020; Hanson and others, 2014) builds upon the MODFLOW-2005 framework for the simulation and analyses of conjunctive-use, water-management, and climate-crop-water scenario problems.
Documentation | Program History | Downloads and Documentation | Superseded Versions | Training | Package Support
The MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM; Boyce and others, 2020; Hanson and others, 2014) is a MODFLOW-2005 based integrated hydrologic model designed for the analysis of conjunctive-use management. The term “integrated” refers to the tight coupling of groundwater flow, surface-water flow, landscape processes, aquifer compaction and subsidence, reservoir operations, and conduit (karst) flow. This fusion results in a simulation software capable of addressing water-use and sustainability problems, including conjunctive-use, water-management, water-food-security, and climate-crop-water scenarios.
MF-OWHM is based on the Farm Process for MODFLOW-2005 (MF-FMP2, Schmid and Hanson, 2009) that includes Surface-water Routing Process (SWR, Hughes and others, 2012), Seawater Intrusion (SWI, Bakker and others, 2013),Riparian Evapotranspiration (RIP-ET, Maddock III and others, 2012), and Conduit Flow (CFP Shoemaker and others, 2008). MF-OWHM contains all the previously available solvers and the new solvers such as Newton-Raphson (NWT, Niswonger and others, 2011) and the nonlinear preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCGN, Naff and Banta, 2008).
As a second core version of MODFLOW-2005, MF-OWHM maintains backward compatibility with existing MODFLOW-2005 versions. Existing models developed using MODFLOW-2005 (Harbaugh, 2005), MODFLOW-NWT (Niswonger and others, 2011), MODFLOW-CFP (Shoemaker and others, 2008), and MODFLOW-FMP (Schmid and others, 2006; Schmid and Hanson, 2009) can also be simulated using MF-OWHM.
The improvements, new features, modifications to MODFLOW-2005, and newly developed processes continue the MF-OWHM philosophy of retaining and tracking as much water as is feasible in the simulation domain. This philosophy provides the scientific and engineering community with confidence in the water accounting and a technically sound foundation to address broad classes of problems for the public.
- Process-based simulation
- Saturated groundwater flow(three-dimensional)
- Surface-water flow(one- and two-dimensional)
- Stream and river flow
- Lake and reservoir storage
- Landscape simulation and irrigated agriculture
- Land-use and crop simulation
- Root uptake of groundwater
- Precipitation
- Actual evapotranspiration
- Runoff
- Infiltration
- Estimated irrigation demand
- Reservoir operations
- Aquifer compaction and subsidence by vertical model-grid deformation
- Seawater intrusion by a sharp-interface assumption
- Karst-aquifer and fractured-bedrock flow
- Turbulent and laminar-pipe network flow
- Unsaturated groundwater flow (one-dimensional)
- Internal linkages among the processes that couple hydraulic head, flow, and deformation.
- Redesigned code for
- Faster simulation runtime
- Increased user-input options
- Easier for model updates
- Robust error reporting
MF-OWHM uses a physically based simulation that is connected to a supply and demand framework. This framework starts with the landscape’s demand for water consumption that originates from either an administrative requirement—such as urban consumption or managed aquifer recharge—or from the landscape surface’s potential evaporation and transpiration. This “landscape water demand” is then satisfied from available supplies of water—such as precipitation, surface water, groundwater, and imported water. Water supply can be limited due to physical constraints from the natural and engineered water systems. These constraints occur due to the physics of natural groundwater and surface water flow and to physical limits of engineered systems, such as diversion canals or well-production capacity. The landscape water demand can affect both surface water and groundwater due to their interconnectivity. Further, the supply of groundwater and surface water can be controlled by water rights, managed through reservoir operations, or limited due to regulations.
The official USGS reports describe the theory and input instructions at the time the distributions were first released. If you use of this software, please cite the reports in any associated publications and reports.
Boyce, S.E., 2022, MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM) Conjunctive Use and Integrated Hydrologic Flow Modeling Software, version 2.2.0: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release,
Boyce, S.E., Hanson, R.T., Ferguson, I., Schmid, W., Henson, W., Reimann, T., Mehl, S.M., and Earll, M.M., 2020, One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model: A MODFLOW based conjunctive-use simulation software: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6–A60, 435 p.,
Hanson, R.T., Boyce, S.E., Schmid, Wolfgang, Hughes, J.D., Mehl, S.M., Leake, S.A., Maddock, Thomas, III, and Niswonger, R.G., 2014, One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MODFLOW-OWHM): U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A51, 120 p.,
Online MODFLOW-OWHM v1 User's Guide:
Packages and processes often evolve over time. The User's Guide includes the most up-to-date input instructions and related details.
Program History
Version Highlights
MF-OWHM v2.2 introduced a ZoneBudget v3.2 and includes enhancements to the Farm Process (FMP), Newton Solver (NWT), Head Observation (HOB), Subsidence package (SUB), and the Basic package (BAS).
MF-OWHM v2.1 introduced the Surface Water Operations (SWO) process for dynamic reservoir operations and S Interpretive Language (Slang) for Customizable User Input.
MF-OWHM v2.0 is the second major release of MF-OWHM. This version involved a total rewrite of the Farm Process (FMP), inclusion of the Conduit Flow Process (CFP Shoemaker and others, 2008), and modifications that improved all the base MODFLOW packages.
MF-OWHM v1.0 was the first major release of MF-OWHM that is a unification of the many separate versions of MODFLOW that have evolved for various classes of hydrologic issues. In addition to this, modifications were made to the MF2005 source code that improve stability, accuracy and make the resulting software more "user friendly". MF-OWHM v1.00 is now considered legacy code with minimal support.
Version Information and Notes
Downloads and Documentation
General Information
If you wish to be included in our email list to be notified when updates occur, please send an email to with the word "add" in the title or check regularly at the download and source repository homepage:
Software Downloads
Superseded Versions
The following software is not actively supported by the USGS. The software has been superseded by MODFLOW-OWHM Version 2. The software versions below are provided online for historical reference only, and the pages may contain outdated information or broken links.
The following links are to USGS internal-only training resources
- Groundwater Resources Association GRACast Web Seminar: Land Subsidence, Part 1: Subsidence Impacts from Groundwater Extraction (8/8/2014)
- 2014-15 Program on Mathematical and Statistical Ecology (ECOL), SAMSI: Examples of Large Integrated Hydrologic Models using MODFLOW-OWHM (8/20/14, Raleigh, N.C.)
MODFLOW-OWHM Process and Packages Support
The Online Guide to MODFLOW-OWHM (v1) provides quick access to the key documentation for MODFLOW-OWHM processes and packages:
- Report: The official USGS report describes the theory and input instructions at the time the package or process was first released.
- Online Guide: Packages and processes often evolve over time. The Online User's Guide includes the most up-to-date input instructions and related details.
Functionality | Package or Process Name | Short Description | Online Guide |
NAM | Name file that lists all packages in use | Not a , but loaded at start of simulation to declare s and processes used by user’s model application. | |
LGR | Local Grid Refinement | LGR Online Help | |
LIST | Listing file | Contains transcript of output, warnings, and errors. | |
WARN | Warning file | Contains a transcript of warnings and errors that are raised and written to the listing file. | |
BAS | Basic | Defines global options, active model cells, and initial head. | BAS Online Help |
DIS | Discretization | Specifies model time and space discretization. | DIS Online Help |
OC | Output Control | Specifies writing of output to list and cell-by-cell flow file. | OC Online Help |
ZONE | Zone file | Parameter process—specify parameter zones of application. | ZONE Online Help |
MULT | Multiplier file | Parameter process—specify parameter multiplication arrays. | MULT Online Help |
PVAL | Parameter Value file | Parameter process—specify global parameters. | PVAL Online Help |
FLOW | |||
BCF | Block-Centered Flow | Defines aquifer flow properties. | BCF Online Help |
LPF | Layer-Property Flow | Defines aquifer flow properties. | LPF Online Help |
UPW | Upstream Weighting | Defines aquifer flow properties. | UPW Online Help |
HUF | Hydrogeologic-Unit Flow | Defines aquifer flow properties. | HUF Online Help |
HFB | Horizontal Flow Barrier | Barriers to flow between model cells (for example, faultline or slurry walls). | HFB Online Help |
UZF | Unsaturated-Zone Flow | Vertical flow of water through the unsaturated zone to water table. | UZF Online Help |
SWI2 | Seawater Intrusion | Vertically integrated, variable-density groundwater flow and seawater intrusion in coastal multi-aquifer systems. | SWI2 Online Help |
LAND USE | |||
FMP | Farm Process | Dynamic simulation of land use, evapotranspiration, surface-water diversions, and estimation of unknown pumpage. | FMP Online Help |
CFP | Conduit Flow Process | Simulation of turbulent flow through karst conduits or pipe networks. | CFP Online Help |
LMT | Link-MT3DMS | Produces a binary flow file that is used for MT3DMS and MT3D‑USGS for transport simulation. | LMT Online Help |
BFH | Boundary Flow and Head | LGR child model only—couples parent model’s flows and heads to child model. | BFH Online Help |
CHD | Time-Variant Specified-Head | Specifies model cells that have a constant head (not recommended for conjunctive use). | CHD Online Help |
FHB | Flow and Head Boundary | Specifies model cells that have a constant head or constant flux in or out. | FHB Online Help |
RCH | Recharge | Specified flux distributed over the dtop of the model domain. | RCH Online Help |
GHB | General Head Boundary | Simulates head-dependent flux boundaries. | GHB Online Help |
DRN | Drain | Simulates head-dependent flux boundaries that remove water from domain if head is above a specified elevation. | DRN Online Help |
DRT | Drain Return | Simulates head-dependent flux boundaries that move water from model cell if head is above a specified elevation. | DRN Online Help |
RIP | Riparian Evapotranspiration | Simulates evapotranspiration separately for multiple plant functional groups in a single model cell. | RIP Online Help |
EVT | Evapotranspiration | Taken directly from the EVT description from the MODFLOW documentation. | EVT Online Help |
ETS | Evapotranspiration Segmenteds | Simulates evapotranspiration with a user-defined relation between evapotranspiration rate and hydraulic head. | ETS Online Help |
RES | Reservoir | Simulates leakage between a reservoir and the underlying groundwater. | RES Online Help |
IBS | Interbed Storag | Simulates compaction of low-permeability interbeds within layers (legacy code—recommended to use SUB instead) (not recommended for conjunctive use). | IBS Online Help |
SUB | Subsidence and Aquifer-System Compaction | Simulates drainage; changes in groundwater storage; and compaction of aquifers, interbeds, and confining units that constitute an aquifer system. | SUB Online Help |
SWT | Subsidence for water table aquifers | Simulates compaction for changes in water table by including geostatic stresses as a function of water-table elevation. | SWT Online Help |
RIV | River | Simulates head-dependent flux boundaries by specifying a river stage (not recommended for conjunctive use). | RIV Online Help |
LAK | Lake | Simulates lake storage and flow. | LAK Online Help |
STR | Stream | Flow in a stream is routed instantaneously to downstream streams (legacy code—recommended to use SFR instead). | STR Online Help |
SFR | Streamflow-Routing | Simulates streamflow by instantaneously routing to downstream streams and lakes or routed using a kinematic wave equation. | SFR Online Help |
SWR | Surface=Water Routing Process | Simulates surface-water routing in 1D and 2D surface-water features and surface-water and groundwater interactions. | SWR Online Help |
WEL | Well (Version 2) | Specified flux to model cells in units; revised TABFILE input. | |
WEL1 | Well (Version 1) | Specified flux to model cells in units; original TABFILE input. | WEL1 Online Help |
MNW1 | Multi-node, drawdown-limited well | Simulates wells that extend to more than one cell (legacy code—recommended to use MNW2 instead). | MNW1 Online Help |
MNW2 | Multi-node well | Simulates “long” wells that are connected to more than one model cell; calculates well head and well potential production. | MNW2 Online Help |
MNWI | Multi-Node Well Information | Provides detailed output from MNW2 wells. | MNWI Online Help |
HYD | HydMod | Provides time series of observations from SFR, SUB, and Head. | HYDMOD Online Help |
GAGE | Stream gaging (monitoring) station | Provides output for specified SFR segments and LAK lakes. | GAG Online Help |
HOB | Head Observation | Specifies observations of head in aquifer. | HOB Online Help |
DROB | Drain (DRN) Observation | Specifies observations of DRN related flows. | DROB Online Help |
DRTOB | Drain Return (DRT) observation | Specifies observations of DRT related flows. | |
GBOB | General-Head-Boundary Observation | Specifies observations of GHB related flows. | GBOB Online Help |
CHOB | Constant Head Observation | Specifies observations of CHD related flows. | CHOB Online Help |
RVOB | River Observation | Specifies observations of RIV related flows. | RVOB Online Help |
SOLVER | |||
NWT | Newton-Raphson groundwater formulation | Solves groundwater-flow equation with Newton-Raphson method; requires UPW or LPF as flow package. | NWT Online Help |
PCG | Preconditioned-Conjugate Gradient | Primary MODFLOW-2005 solver. | PCG Online Help |
PCGN | PCG solver with improved nonlinear control | Solver with advanced dampening and relaxation for highly nonlinear groundwater models. | PCGN Online Help |
GMG | Geometric MultiGrid Solver | Geometric multigrid preconditioner to conjugate gradient solver. | GMG Online Help |
DE4 | Direct Solution Solver | Use Gaussian elimination solver for the groundwater-flow equation. | DE4 Online Help |
SIP | Strongly Implicit Procedure | Legacy code—recommended to use PCG or PCGN. | SIP Online Help |
KDEP | Hydraulic-Conductivity Depth-Dependence Capability | HUF extension that allows for the automatic calculation of depth‑dependent horizontal hydraulic conductivity. | KDEP Online Help |
LVDA | Model-Layer Variable-Direction Horizontal Anisotropy | HUF extension that allows for the automatic variable-direction horizontal anisotropy. | LVDA Online Help |
Below are data related to, and the application of, the MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM).
Digital hydrologic and geospatial data for the Rio Grande transboundary integrated hydrologic model and water-availability analysis, New Mexico and Texas, United States, and Northern Chihuahua, Mexico
Below are publications related to, and the application of, the MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM).
One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model: A MODFLOW based conjunctive-use simulation software
Rio Grande transboundary integrated hydrologic model and water-availability analysis, New Mexico and Texas, United States, and northern Chihuahua, Mexico
Integrated hydrologic modeling of the Salinas River, California, for sustainable water management
Rio Grande transboundary integrated hydrologic model and water-availability analysis, New Mexico and Texas, United States, and Northern Chihuahua, Mexico
Hydrogeology, hydrologic effects of development, and simulation of groundwater flow in the Borrego Valley, San Diego County, California
Hydrologic model of the Modesto Region, California, 1960-2004
Documentation of a groundwater flow model (SJRRPGW) for the San Joaquin River Restoration Program study area, California
One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MODFLOW-OWHM)
Integrated hydrologic model of Pajaro Valley, Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties, California
Hydrologic models and analysis of water availability in Cuyama Valley, California
Cuyama Valley, California hydrologic study: an assessment of water availability
Economic resilience through "One-Water" management
Advective transport observations with MODPATH-OBS--documentation of the MODPATH observation process
Download the MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model code via the link below.
MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM)
The MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM) – Conjunctive Use Simulation Software (Boyce, 2022; Boyce and others, 2020; Hanson and others, 2014) builds upon the MODFLOW-2005 framework for the simulation and analyses of conjunctive-use, water-management, and climate-crop-water scenario problems.
Documentation | Program History | Downloads and Documentation | Superseded Versions | Training | Package Support
The MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM; Boyce and others, 2020; Hanson and others, 2014) is a MODFLOW-2005 based integrated hydrologic model designed for the analysis of conjunctive-use management. The term “integrated” refers to the tight coupling of groundwater flow, surface-water flow, landscape processes, aquifer compaction and subsidence, reservoir operations, and conduit (karst) flow. This fusion results in a simulation software capable of addressing water-use and sustainability problems, including conjunctive-use, water-management, water-food-security, and climate-crop-water scenarios.
MF-OWHM is based on the Farm Process for MODFLOW-2005 (MF-FMP2, Schmid and Hanson, 2009) that includes Surface-water Routing Process (SWR, Hughes and others, 2012), Seawater Intrusion (SWI, Bakker and others, 2013),Riparian Evapotranspiration (RIP-ET, Maddock III and others, 2012), and Conduit Flow (CFP Shoemaker and others, 2008). MF-OWHM contains all the previously available solvers and the new solvers such as Newton-Raphson (NWT, Niswonger and others, 2011) and the nonlinear preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCGN, Naff and Banta, 2008).
As a second core version of MODFLOW-2005, MF-OWHM maintains backward compatibility with existing MODFLOW-2005 versions. Existing models developed using MODFLOW-2005 (Harbaugh, 2005), MODFLOW-NWT (Niswonger and others, 2011), MODFLOW-CFP (Shoemaker and others, 2008), and MODFLOW-FMP (Schmid and others, 2006; Schmid and Hanson, 2009) can also be simulated using MF-OWHM.
The improvements, new features, modifications to MODFLOW-2005, and newly developed processes continue the MF-OWHM philosophy of retaining and tracking as much water as is feasible in the simulation domain. This philosophy provides the scientific and engineering community with confidence in the water accounting and a technically sound foundation to address broad classes of problems for the public.
- Process-based simulation
- Saturated groundwater flow(three-dimensional)
- Surface-water flow(one- and two-dimensional)
- Stream and river flow
- Lake and reservoir storage
- Landscape simulation and irrigated agriculture
- Land-use and crop simulation
- Root uptake of groundwater
- Precipitation
- Actual evapotranspiration
- Runoff
- Infiltration
- Estimated irrigation demand
- Reservoir operations
- Aquifer compaction and subsidence by vertical model-grid deformation
- Seawater intrusion by a sharp-interface assumption
- Karst-aquifer and fractured-bedrock flow
- Turbulent and laminar-pipe network flow
- Unsaturated groundwater flow (one-dimensional)
- Internal linkages among the processes that couple hydraulic head, flow, and deformation.
- Redesigned code for
- Faster simulation runtime
- Increased user-input options
- Easier for model updates
- Robust error reporting
MF-OWHM uses a physically based simulation that is connected to a supply and demand framework. This framework starts with the landscape’s demand for water consumption that originates from either an administrative requirement—such as urban consumption or managed aquifer recharge—or from the landscape surface’s potential evaporation and transpiration. This “landscape water demand” is then satisfied from available supplies of water—such as precipitation, surface water, groundwater, and imported water. Water supply can be limited due to physical constraints from the natural and engineered water systems. These constraints occur due to the physics of natural groundwater and surface water flow and to physical limits of engineered systems, such as diversion canals or well-production capacity. The landscape water demand can affect both surface water and groundwater due to their interconnectivity. Further, the supply of groundwater and surface water can be controlled by water rights, managed through reservoir operations, or limited due to regulations.
The official USGS reports describe the theory and input instructions at the time the distributions were first released. If you use of this software, please cite the reports in any associated publications and reports.
Boyce, S.E., 2022, MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM) Conjunctive Use and Integrated Hydrologic Flow Modeling Software, version 2.2.0: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release,
Boyce, S.E., Hanson, R.T., Ferguson, I., Schmid, W., Henson, W., Reimann, T., Mehl, S.M., and Earll, M.M., 2020, One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model: A MODFLOW based conjunctive-use simulation software: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6–A60, 435 p.,
Hanson, R.T., Boyce, S.E., Schmid, Wolfgang, Hughes, J.D., Mehl, S.M., Leake, S.A., Maddock, Thomas, III, and Niswonger, R.G., 2014, One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MODFLOW-OWHM): U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A51, 120 p.,
Online MODFLOW-OWHM v1 User's Guide:
Packages and processes often evolve over time. The User's Guide includes the most up-to-date input instructions and related details.
Program History
Version Highlights
MF-OWHM v2.2 introduced a ZoneBudget v3.2 and includes enhancements to the Farm Process (FMP), Newton Solver (NWT), Head Observation (HOB), Subsidence package (SUB), and the Basic package (BAS).
MF-OWHM v2.1 introduced the Surface Water Operations (SWO) process for dynamic reservoir operations and S Interpretive Language (Slang) for Customizable User Input.
MF-OWHM v2.0 is the second major release of MF-OWHM. This version involved a total rewrite of the Farm Process (FMP), inclusion of the Conduit Flow Process (CFP Shoemaker and others, 2008), and modifications that improved all the base MODFLOW packages.
MF-OWHM v1.0 was the first major release of MF-OWHM that is a unification of the many separate versions of MODFLOW that have evolved for various classes of hydrologic issues. In addition to this, modifications were made to the MF2005 source code that improve stability, accuracy and make the resulting software more "user friendly". MF-OWHM v1.00 is now considered legacy code with minimal support.
Version Information and Notes
Downloads and Documentation
General Information
If you wish to be included in our email list to be notified when updates occur, please send an email to with the word "add" in the title or check regularly at the download and source repository homepage:
Software Downloads
Superseded Versions
The following software is not actively supported by the USGS. The software has been superseded by MODFLOW-OWHM Version 2. The software versions below are provided online for historical reference only, and the pages may contain outdated information or broken links.
The following links are to USGS internal-only training resources
- Groundwater Resources Association GRACast Web Seminar: Land Subsidence, Part 1: Subsidence Impacts from Groundwater Extraction (8/8/2014)
- 2014-15 Program on Mathematical and Statistical Ecology (ECOL), SAMSI: Examples of Large Integrated Hydrologic Models using MODFLOW-OWHM (8/20/14, Raleigh, N.C.)
MODFLOW-OWHM Process and Packages Support
The Online Guide to MODFLOW-OWHM (v1) provides quick access to the key documentation for MODFLOW-OWHM processes and packages:
- Report: The official USGS report describes the theory and input instructions at the time the package or process was first released.
- Online Guide: Packages and processes often evolve over time. The Online User's Guide includes the most up-to-date input instructions and related details.
Functionality | Package or Process Name | Short Description | Online Guide |
NAM | Name file that lists all packages in use | Not a , but loaded at start of simulation to declare s and processes used by user’s model application. | |
LGR | Local Grid Refinement | LGR Online Help | |
LIST | Listing file | Contains transcript of output, warnings, and errors. | |
WARN | Warning file | Contains a transcript of warnings and errors that are raised and written to the listing file. | |
BAS | Basic | Defines global options, active model cells, and initial head. | BAS Online Help |
DIS | Discretization | Specifies model time and space discretization. | DIS Online Help |
OC | Output Control | Specifies writing of output to list and cell-by-cell flow file. | OC Online Help |
ZONE | Zone file | Parameter process—specify parameter zones of application. | ZONE Online Help |
MULT | Multiplier file | Parameter process—specify parameter multiplication arrays. | MULT Online Help |
PVAL | Parameter Value file | Parameter process—specify global parameters. | PVAL Online Help |
FLOW | |||
BCF | Block-Centered Flow | Defines aquifer flow properties. | BCF Online Help |
LPF | Layer-Property Flow | Defines aquifer flow properties. | LPF Online Help |
UPW | Upstream Weighting | Defines aquifer flow properties. | UPW Online Help |
HUF | Hydrogeologic-Unit Flow | Defines aquifer flow properties. | HUF Online Help |
HFB | Horizontal Flow Barrier | Barriers to flow between model cells (for example, faultline or slurry walls). | HFB Online Help |
UZF | Unsaturated-Zone Flow | Vertical flow of water through the unsaturated zone to water table. | UZF Online Help |
SWI2 | Seawater Intrusion | Vertically integrated, variable-density groundwater flow and seawater intrusion in coastal multi-aquifer systems. | SWI2 Online Help |
LAND USE | |||
FMP | Farm Process | Dynamic simulation of land use, evapotranspiration, surface-water diversions, and estimation of unknown pumpage. | FMP Online Help |
CFP | Conduit Flow Process | Simulation of turbulent flow through karst conduits or pipe networks. | CFP Online Help |
LMT | Link-MT3DMS | Produces a binary flow file that is used for MT3DMS and MT3D‑USGS for transport simulation. | LMT Online Help |
BFH | Boundary Flow and Head | LGR child model only—couples parent model’s flows and heads to child model. | BFH Online Help |
CHD | Time-Variant Specified-Head | Specifies model cells that have a constant head (not recommended for conjunctive use). | CHD Online Help |
FHB | Flow and Head Boundary | Specifies model cells that have a constant head or constant flux in or out. | FHB Online Help |
RCH | Recharge | Specified flux distributed over the dtop of the model domain. | RCH Online Help |
GHB | General Head Boundary | Simulates head-dependent flux boundaries. | GHB Online Help |
DRN | Drain | Simulates head-dependent flux boundaries that remove water from domain if head is above a specified elevation. | DRN Online Help |
DRT | Drain Return | Simulates head-dependent flux boundaries that move water from model cell if head is above a specified elevation. | DRN Online Help |
RIP | Riparian Evapotranspiration | Simulates evapotranspiration separately for multiple plant functional groups in a single model cell. | RIP Online Help |
EVT | Evapotranspiration | Taken directly from the EVT description from the MODFLOW documentation. | EVT Online Help |
ETS | Evapotranspiration Segmenteds | Simulates evapotranspiration with a user-defined relation between evapotranspiration rate and hydraulic head. | ETS Online Help |
RES | Reservoir | Simulates leakage between a reservoir and the underlying groundwater. | RES Online Help |
IBS | Interbed Storag | Simulates compaction of low-permeability interbeds within layers (legacy code—recommended to use SUB instead) (not recommended for conjunctive use). | IBS Online Help |
SUB | Subsidence and Aquifer-System Compaction | Simulates drainage; changes in groundwater storage; and compaction of aquifers, interbeds, and confining units that constitute an aquifer system. | SUB Online Help |
SWT | Subsidence for water table aquifers | Simulates compaction for changes in water table by including geostatic stresses as a function of water-table elevation. | SWT Online Help |
RIV | River | Simulates head-dependent flux boundaries by specifying a river stage (not recommended for conjunctive use). | RIV Online Help |
LAK | Lake | Simulates lake storage and flow. | LAK Online Help |
STR | Stream | Flow in a stream is routed instantaneously to downstream streams (legacy code—recommended to use SFR instead). | STR Online Help |
SFR | Streamflow-Routing | Simulates streamflow by instantaneously routing to downstream streams and lakes or routed using a kinematic wave equation. | SFR Online Help |
SWR | Surface=Water Routing Process | Simulates surface-water routing in 1D and 2D surface-water features and surface-water and groundwater interactions. | SWR Online Help |
WEL | Well (Version 2) | Specified flux to model cells in units; revised TABFILE input. | |
WEL1 | Well (Version 1) | Specified flux to model cells in units; original TABFILE input. | WEL1 Online Help |
MNW1 | Multi-node, drawdown-limited well | Simulates wells that extend to more than one cell (legacy code—recommended to use MNW2 instead). | MNW1 Online Help |
MNW2 | Multi-node well | Simulates “long” wells that are connected to more than one model cell; calculates well head and well potential production. | MNW2 Online Help |
MNWI | Multi-Node Well Information | Provides detailed output from MNW2 wells. | MNWI Online Help |
HYD | HydMod | Provides time series of observations from SFR, SUB, and Head. | HYDMOD Online Help |
GAGE | Stream gaging (monitoring) station | Provides output for specified SFR segments and LAK lakes. | GAG Online Help |
HOB | Head Observation | Specifies observations of head in aquifer. | HOB Online Help |
DROB | Drain (DRN) Observation | Specifies observations of DRN related flows. | DROB Online Help |
DRTOB | Drain Return (DRT) observation | Specifies observations of DRT related flows. | |
GBOB | General-Head-Boundary Observation | Specifies observations of GHB related flows. | GBOB Online Help |
CHOB | Constant Head Observation | Specifies observations of CHD related flows. | CHOB Online Help |
RVOB | River Observation | Specifies observations of RIV related flows. | RVOB Online Help |
SOLVER | |||
NWT | Newton-Raphson groundwater formulation | Solves groundwater-flow equation with Newton-Raphson method; requires UPW or LPF as flow package. | NWT Online Help |
PCG | Preconditioned-Conjugate Gradient | Primary MODFLOW-2005 solver. | PCG Online Help |
PCGN | PCG solver with improved nonlinear control | Solver with advanced dampening and relaxation for highly nonlinear groundwater models. | PCGN Online Help |
GMG | Geometric MultiGrid Solver | Geometric multigrid preconditioner to conjugate gradient solver. | GMG Online Help |
DE4 | Direct Solution Solver | Use Gaussian elimination solver for the groundwater-flow equation. | DE4 Online Help |
SIP | Strongly Implicit Procedure | Legacy code—recommended to use PCG or PCGN. | SIP Online Help |
KDEP | Hydraulic-Conductivity Depth-Dependence Capability | HUF extension that allows for the automatic calculation of depth‑dependent horizontal hydraulic conductivity. | KDEP Online Help |
LVDA | Model-Layer Variable-Direction Horizontal Anisotropy | HUF extension that allows for the automatic variable-direction horizontal anisotropy. | LVDA Online Help |
Below are data related to, and the application of, the MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM).
Digital hydrologic and geospatial data for the Rio Grande transboundary integrated hydrologic model and water-availability analysis, New Mexico and Texas, United States, and Northern Chihuahua, Mexico
Below are publications related to, and the application of, the MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM).
One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model: A MODFLOW based conjunctive-use simulation software
Rio Grande transboundary integrated hydrologic model and water-availability analysis, New Mexico and Texas, United States, and northern Chihuahua, Mexico
Integrated hydrologic modeling of the Salinas River, California, for sustainable water management
Rio Grande transboundary integrated hydrologic model and water-availability analysis, New Mexico and Texas, United States, and Northern Chihuahua, Mexico
Hydrogeology, hydrologic effects of development, and simulation of groundwater flow in the Borrego Valley, San Diego County, California
Hydrologic model of the Modesto Region, California, 1960-2004
Documentation of a groundwater flow model (SJRRPGW) for the San Joaquin River Restoration Program study area, California
One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MODFLOW-OWHM)
Integrated hydrologic model of Pajaro Valley, Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties, California
Hydrologic models and analysis of water availability in Cuyama Valley, California
Cuyama Valley, California hydrologic study: an assessment of water availability
Economic resilience through "One-Water" management
Advective transport observations with MODPATH-OBS--documentation of the MODPATH observation process
Download the MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model code via the link below.