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The Community for Data Integration (CDI) is a dynamic community of practice working together to advance scientific data and information management and integration capabilities in the USGS.

Collaboration Areas

The CDI facilitates collaboration areas that form around common interests, help address challenges, and identify solutions that enable data integration efforts.


Collaboration Areas

The CDI facilitates collaboration areas that form around common interests, help address challenges, and identify solutions that enable data integration efforts.

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What We Do

The CDI focuses on opportunities to share information across disciplines and organizational structures, invigorating cross-boundary communication.


What We Do

The CDI focuses on opportunities to share information across disciplines and organizational structures, invigorating cross-boundary communication.

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Become a member to be notified of monthly presentations, collaboration area activity, special workshops and trainings, and our annual proposals process.



Become a member to be notified of monthly presentations, collaboration area activity, special workshops and trainings, and our annual proposals process.

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