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CERC makes scientific data available to the public through the USGS ScienceBase catalog. Our most recent data releases are highlighted below.  If you need assistance in locating specific data, please contact the CERC Natural Resources Data Management Specialist or the CERC Librarian.

Filter Total Items: 203

Capture method, habitat, length, and diet items consumed by wild-caught black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) in the Mississippi River Basin, 2017-2019

An inventory (enumeration and taxonomic identification) of diet items consumed by wild-caught black carp, based on the examination of gut contents from fish that were collected in the lower Mississippi River drainage of the U.S.

Invertebrates enumerated from the diets of larval pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) and shovelnose sturgeon (S. platorynchus) in the Upper Missouri River, Montana and North Dakota in 2019

An inventory (enumeration and taxonomic identification) of diet items consumed by wild-caught larval pallid sturgeon and larval shovelnose sturgeon, based on the examination of gut contents from fish that were collected in the Upper Missouri River drainage of the U.S.

Thiaminase activity measurements in whole zebrafish

Data describe results of a set of laboratory experiments using a previously described quantitative thiaminase I activity assay to test the thiaminase activity of whole zebrafish homogenates. Parameters described include the thiaminase activity data, dilution factors, incubation time, and tissue weight assayed. Experiments were conducted at the USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center, Columbia,

Stream water chemistry and benthic macroinvertebrate data from the North Fork Clear Creek and Clear Creek, Colorado, USA, from 2011-2019, before and after acid mine drainage treatment

Stream water chemistry and benthic macroinvertebrate data collected in the North Fork of Clear Creek and Clear Creek, CO, USA before and after the diversion and treatment of acid mine drainage by a high-density sludge lime process water treatment plant. Stream water chemistry and benthic macroinvertebrate samples were collected from November 2011 through October 2019 at 6 sites located above and b

Pesticide residues in passive samplers and bee tissue from Conservation Reserve Program fields across an agricultural gradient in eastern Iowa, USA, 2019 (ver 2.0, October 2023)

This data release includes sampling location, pesticide concentrations in passive samplers (silicone bands) and bees foraging in Conservation Reserve Program fields. Sampling took place during July and August of 2019. Fields were located on private land managed for the U.S. Department of Agriculture Conservation Reserve Program in eastern central Iowa, U.S.A.

Quantitation of estrogens in water, alone and in combination with atrazine, using two chemically-activated luciferase expression, CALUX, bioassays and quadrupole-time of flight ultraperformance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry, UPLC-MS

This data describes the relative luminescence units and relative fluorescence units of lysates of two estrogen responsive chemically-activated luciferase expression human breast VM7Luc4E2 and VM7LucERbc9 cells which were exposed for 24 hours to estrone and 17beta-estradiol dilutions alone and in mixture with atrazine or water extracts collected from dilutor tanks during a fish exposure study utili

Water chemistry and fish metrics data for adult largemouth bass exposed in outdoor ponds to 17alpha-ethinylestradiol or an estrone-atrazine mixture

Physiological endpoints observed in adult largemouth bass in response to an EE2 (17 alpha-ethinylestradiol) or mixture of estrone and atrazine exposure under laboratory pond conditions. Also included are water quality and chemical concentration data. Adult LMB were exposed in outdoor pond mesocosms from post-spawning to early gonad recrudescence to either EE2 (2.4 nanograms per liter), or a mixtur

Field Data and Models of the Missouri River at Sheepnose Bend, near Lexington, Missouri, 2019-2021

This project includes field data and data supporting models of the Missouri River at Sheepnose (SN) bend, near Lexington, Missouri. Field datasets include a topobathymetric digital elevation model (DEM) for a 10-km reach of the Missouri River, repeat surveys of channel bathymetry from 2019-2021, water surface elevation profiles, velocity data collected with acoustic Dopper current profiler (ADCP).

Survival, growth, behavior and mercury concentrations of mayflies exposed to elevated dietary methylmercury and aqueous selenium

Survival and size of mayflies at each life stage, as well as MeHg concentrations in diatoms and mayflies exposed to low and high MeHg concentrations and a range of selenomethione (SeMet) concentrations.

Simulated impacts of feather oiling on avian energetics and migration: R environment model code and raw output

This dataset represents a modeling effort intended to explore the impacts of oiling on migratory birds. The purpose of this model is to provide a first principles approach to predict potential biological impacts of altered energetics dynamics in north American migratory birds due to oiling of feathers. This data includes predicted theoretical impacts on migration timing, wintering latitude, starva

Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) locations in earthen ponds with overhead structure

Data consists of acoustic telemetry positions for silver carp (345:2 plus or minus 17:5 millimeters total length and 377 plus or minus 64:7 grams weight) tagged with 795-LD transmitters (Innovasea Systems Inc., Boston, MA; formerly Hydroacoustic Technology Inc.) in four earthen ponds (dimensions 40 meters X 25 meters; depth 1-2 meters) at the Columbia Environmental Research Center, Columbia, MO, U

Survival of grass carp and black carp gavaged with an oral dose of antimycin A in two carriers, corn oil and ethanol

The data consists of survival, length and weight of grass carp and black carp gavaged with an oral dose of antimycin A in two carriers, corn oil and ethanol.
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